Switzerland can be scary too (TNO)

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Context: In the TNO universe, Germany won WW2 and Europe was under the Nazi's iron boot

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Context: In the TNO universe, Germany won WW2 and Europe was under the Nazi's iron boot... except for Switzerland that incorporated Lichtenstein into the Swiss Confederation to protect Lichtenstein. Switzerland knew that it couldn't fight Germany in open war, so it decided to fund its slave labor programs to try to recreate the problem the Roman Empire faced: economy becomes reliant on slave labor, people don't have work, people become reliant on the state for food and other resources, and all it takes is, well I dunno, a stock market crash to send the German economy to free fall. Switzerland succeeded in this and the German economy almost died completely, but held on by barely nothing...

And then the Fire Nation- I mean, and then the W.R.R.F. (West Russian Revolutionary Front) attacked the German European colonies and back to war it was

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