Cruel Summer

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Summary: Emma Hawkins and Aiden Zhou have a secret relationship in the summer that they are scared to carry on once school has started again.

It all started on a hot summer's day in Cedar Cove. Emma was working the early shift at the Easy Brew Bakery, she had been lucky enough to get this summer job. All the other summer jobs had been taken by returning college kids. Emma had accidentally found this little bakery as a way to get out of a summer rainstorm. Best decision she had made, this little bakery had become her haven away from the stress of school and home. The calm feel it gave off with the dim lighting, high ceiling, bean bags and comfortable chairs everywhere made it the perfect getaway.

This was her place, she had only mentioned it to her best friend Hermione. Apart from that no one in her group of friends even knew this place existed. She liked it that way, she had found this bakery and if she didn't want to share it with everyone. She was not going to.

Therefore, seeing Aiden Zhou walk through the door was surprising. Not only because Emma was not that close to him and felt awkward around him. In her defence, it was very hard not to feel intimidated by his musical genius. Didn't help that he was handsome as well but came off as a bit of an arrogant guy.

Seeing Aiden, Emma had ducked down the counter trying to hide. This was a bad idea since Emma was the only one working the counter today and Sheila her co-worker was currently taking her break.

Unbeknownst to Emma, Aiden had seen her duck down. It made him smile, Emma's shyness was similar to his own. The only problem, Emma's shyness was cute while him being shy came off as arrogant. Standing at the counter, he waited for Emma to come up and serve him.

Slowly Emma stood up, gave Aiden a big fake smile that just showed her nerves.

"Hey Aiden, welcome to Easy Brew Bakery, what would you like today?" Phew, the greeting was out of the way, knowing how Aiden was, Emma was sure he would order his drink then leave. Never to speak of this encounter again to her or anybody else.

That was not what happened. Rather than taking his order to go, he wanted to eat in. He found a table secluded in the corner, took out his laptop and just go to work. So, engrossed in his work that it took Emma tapping his shoulder for him to realise that the Bakery was empty besides the two of them.

"Uh, just wondering, um, what were you, uh working on that you, uh, didn't even realise the time?" Emma asked, trying to be friendly. She did not know how to talk to Aiden. It was times like this that Emma cursed her shyness and wished that she had Hermione's friendliness.

Aiden gave Emma a small smile. "Just some music stuff, trying to figure out a new composition. It's not going so well" Sighing, Aiden started to pack away his things.

"Oh well, knowing how much of a genius you are, you'll figure it out" Emma gave him a big smile that she hoped came off as encouraging. As he packed away, Emma took his cup and plates to wash not paying attention to Aiden.

Having finished the last of the dishes, Emma went to the small staff room just to the side of the counter, hidden from customers view. Got her things and went back to the counter to make sure everything was in the right place and clean. Ready for Meredith and Darren who were taking the morning shift.

"What are you still doing here" Turning around she saw Aiden standing there by the door. Shocked, Emma was confused at why Aiden was still there, she thought he had left 20 minutes ago after she had picked up his dishes.

"Well it's late, I know you don't drive so I thought I'd give you a ride home". Suddenly Aiden felt nervous, at the time it had seemed like a good idea to wait for Emma. They were in the same group of friends, yet he knew nothing about her. Driving her home was only the polite thing he could do.

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