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Summary: The Sequel to Cruel Summer. Inspired by Afterglow. Aiden does everything he can to get Emma back.

He made up his mind. He would do everything he could to convince Emma to get back together with him.

That was easier said than done, as Aiden would come to realise. It took him a whole week before he managed to work up the courage to ask Hermione to meet him for Coffee so he could ask her opinion on how to go about getting Emma back.

It didn't help his case that rather than it just being Hermione, Michael was also with her. Telling Hermione what happened was nerve-wracking enough, especially since Aiden was pretty sure Emma had told Hermione the full truth about the summer. Having Michael there made everything much scarier since Michael and Hermione had gotten together, it was not unusual to see Emma and Michael around. It was common knowledge in their group that if Michael and Hermione were fighting, then Michael would be getting advice from Emma on how to apologise.

Michael was always talking about how Emma was like the annoying little sister he didn't have. Aiden asked Emma about their relationship when they were together. Emma was quite happy to tell him, that they had a sibling bond, she was delighted that Michael and Hermione were together. Even if Michael called her his annoying little sister, she knew he very much loved it as much as she loved being his annoying little sister.

Aiden waved at the couple, beckoning them to the table he had taken in the Coffee Shop, thankfully it was not that busy, so it didn't take much for Michael to get another chair and join them.

"For the record, I am not here cause I don't trust my girlfriend having Coffee with another guy but I am here to be the voice of Emmie," Michael said the minute he sat down, he continued to glare at Aiden even after Hermione punched his arm for what he said.

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Just because I say I ship them together Mike does not mean I'm not thinking about Emma first rather than Aiden" She looked at Aiden shrugging in apology about admitting that she didn't care about Aiden in this situation.

Aiden nodded. "Understandable, I just want to say that I regret what happened. I should've admitted to being in love with Emma and agreed to be with her once school started." Phew, the hardest part was out, he had admitted his feelings for Emma to her best friend and pseudo brother. Things could only go up from here.

Michael scoffed at what Aiden said, while he didn't dislike the guy, he knew how hurt Emma was by everything and just admitting his feelings to Hermione and himself was the least Aiden could do, it was what he did after this that mattered in Michael's opinion.

"Well as nice as it is to know that Aiden, we're more interested in what you're going to do next to I assume get Emma back?" Hermione asked. Emma had been through enough this summer with Aiden and Hermione did not want a repeat of that, with Aiden being indecisive with his feelings.

A valid question to ask, but that just made Aiden more nervous. He started to fidget with the napkin on the table. Generally, Aiden had a plan, he knew how to go about getting what he wanted. Emma on the other hand was not someone he thought he would ever fall for. While most people thought that they were quite similar, it was the opposite. Emma, though she was shy like him, apart from that. Emma was the opposite of Aiden in every way and that was what he wanted back in his life.

As the cliché, he didn't realise what he had in his relationship with Emma until he lost it.

Seeing Aiden start fidgeting Hermione softened. He seriously wanted Emma back. She could work with this, even if Michael were against it. At the end of the day, it was Emma's decision and Hermione knew that Emma still loved Aiden. It would just take a lot from Aiden to get her back.

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