Happy Holi

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Summary: Highschool Story: Class Act The gang celebrate Holi.

Ajay tried to resist the puppy dog face that Felicity was making in front of him. He struggled to not just give in to his adorable girlfriend (well not really girlfriend, he hadn't managed to bring up the courage to ask her to be his girlfriend yet). Sighing, he nodded his head.

"Fine, I'll come to this Holi thing the school is doing".

Ecstatic, Felicity hugged Ajay tightly and whispered in his ear

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, this will be so much fun! I can't wait."

Ajay couldn't help the wide smile that spread across his face and he wrapped his arms around Felicity, holding her for just a moment too long.

"Okay, as much as I love Felicity too you can stop hugging her now, Ajay," Rory said jokingly as Felicity let go of Ajay, blushing at Rory's teasing of them. Unfazed, Ajay just put his arm around her shoulders which deepened her blush.

"Well, now that Ajay has agreed, looks like the whole gang is going to this Holi celebration!" Rory smiled as Ajay looked shocked at the information that the rest of the group was also coming. Ajay turned to Felicity.

"Didn't you think you should've mentioned that this was going to be a group outing, Lis?" Feigning annoyance Ajay looked away from Felicity.

Felicity, knowing he wasn't actually angry at her, rolled her eyes "Let's be honest, Ajay, if I said that the whole group wanted to go you would've said no, so I just didn't mention it in my plea to get you to agree to come."

Shaking his head, Ajay just laughed.

"She has a point and you know it, Ajay," Rory said before laughing at the glare that Ajay was directing his way.

A car honking outside her house told Felicity that Ajay was outside.

"Yo City, your boyfriend is outside waiting for you, don't keep lover boy waiting" Felix teased and ran off before Felicity could throw the towel that was on her shoulder at him.

Taking a deep breath and fixing her hair in the mirror by the door, Felicity said, "I'm going out to the Holi party at school, bye Mom and Dad. And Felix, I'll get you back later."

Running out, Felicity smiled at Rory and Skye who was waving at her from the back of Ajay's car. Quickly, she sat in the passenger seat and put on her seat belt. Ajay smiled at her.

"Good all of you took my advice and wore old clothes, 'cause they will get dirty."

Simultaneously all 3 of the others rolled their eyes.

"Name a time when we haven't taken your advice. Even when I didn't want to, I had to take your advice," Skye said sarcastically, making Rory and Felicity laugh. Scowling, Ajay drove the rest of the way to school in silence. They didn't mind because Felicity kept up the conversation with Rory & Skye.

Once they'd gotten to school Rory was the first one out of the car. Excited, he rushed the others.

"Come on, this will be so much fun, I came to the Holi party last year and had the best time." Turning to look at Felicity, he added, "I tried to get Ajay to come last year as well. I even got Hermione to ask him to come as a favour to her but he refused."

Skye and Felicity both gave Ajay an incredulous look, before sputtering in unison "How could you refuse Hermione?! She's not only the most popular girl in school but also the nicest."

Rolling his eyes at them, he just shrugged. They all knew that public events with lots of people were not something that Ajay was interested in, the only reason he had said yes this time was because of Felicity.

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