Chapter 1 - The Crush

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Jaden is a cute guy with fluffy brown hair. Jaden went to a restaurant with three of his best friends. His best friends are Jakey, Ethan, and Maxx. Jakey has blonde hair and Sunglasses. Ethan has nice brown eyes and dark brown hair. Maxx is a nice guy with his cool jeans and button up shirt. While at the restaurant all the waitress's were flirting with Maxx except one. This waitress's name read "Alexis" which Jaden thought was a very beautiful name. Alexis has beautiful brown hair and she had bright brown eyes. Jaden feel in love instantly but he didn't have the courage to tell her. He talked to his friends about it and they said just be yourself and don't be a try hard. Jaden decided to ask her to dinner whenever she was off work and to his surprise she agreed. Jaden said "McDonald's on Friday at 8:00pm." "Sure." Alexis said.

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