Chapter 6 - The Meet

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Alexis gets on her phone and messages Jaden.

"Heyyy" Alexis said.
"Wassup" Jaden said.
"Wanna come over cuz yk my dads not over" Alexis said.
"Sure" Jaden said.
"Just be quick my dad's gonna be home in here in 4 hours" Alexis said.
"K" Jaden said.

Jaden drove to Alexis's house and brought her a happy meal. "Hey Jaden." Alexis said. "Hey Alexis." Jaden said. They go into Alexis's bedroom and decide what movie to watch. They found a movie called "Click" starring Adam Sandler. While they were watching it they fell asleep in each others arms. Then Jaden and Alexis wake up and Alexis looks at her phone. "Shit, shit, shit Jaden my dad's home and you've been here for 5 hours." "I'm sure it's not gonna be that bad I'm sure I can just walk out the door." Jaden said. Jaden gets up heads downstairs and proceeds to open the door when he runs into Alexis's dad. Alexis dad grabs his gun and points it at Jaden. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY HOUSE." Jaden puts his hands up and said "I was just hanging out with Alexis sir." Alexis then went downstairs and said "Dad don't worry he's telling the truth." Her dad lowers his gun and said "What are your intentions with my daughter." Jaden then said "Nothing sir I just enjoy hanging out with her and making her happy." Alexis dad said "You better not ever hurt her and protect her at all costs." Jaden said "I will sir." Alexis dad said "Don't call me sir call me Bill." Bill then puts out his hand to shake hands with Jaden." Alexis said "Umm dad why do you trust him?" Bill said "When your mother died Jaden's mom was at the funeral and I met her there and a couple days later I went to her house and met Jaden and after that I went all the time but that was when Jaden was in school so he hasn't seen me since he was 7." Jaden then thinks and says "Oh my god I remember you." Everyone smiled and hung out together for the rest of the day.

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