This is so not good

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We were running around hiding and trying not to get caught. Me, Emma and Alex ran behind some truck. While Tuck stayed behind. Which worried me for a lil.

"Oh god." I said more to myself. But then Tuck ran to us. I sign in relief. Then we ran to white wall.

"So what's the plan?" I ask. "I don't know get him out." Alex said. "So in other words we don't have a plan?" Tuck said more like a question.

Then we ran over to another place to hide. "Go." Tuck whisper. Alex grab my hand and we ran under some trailer. Then Emma came, then Tuck. We ran to another trailer. "I'm gonna call Munch's phone." I said getting out my phone.

I quickly call Munch's phone number. I hear it in a far distance. Wait no it's just the trailer next to us. I was gonna go under it. And I did. "Next time tell us to go." Tuck said. I rolled my eyes.

I was going in but someone came out making me hide under it really fast. Before the door closed Alex grabbed Tuck's camera and threw it to the door. Making some space for us so we can go in.

"Hey, my camera is not a doorstop!" Tuck said whispering but in a yell. "Sorry." Alex whisper back. I shook my head and walked to the door.

I open it and grab the camera. I held the door open for them. That's when I hear Munch.

"Guys I think I hear Munch." I said unsure if it was him. Well I mean it is him but it sound's like he was on tape or something. We started walking around trying to find the voice.

I open a door only to find computers. Of Munch. I look around the room only to find a bunch of computers.

"It was adrenaline and I just. *crying* it was mine and my friend's last day and *more crying."

"No no no no. He can't spill." I say more to myself.

"Oh, shit. Munch." Tuck said.

"That's not good." Alex said.

"Where is that?" Emma ask.

"We got to find him and get him out of there." Tuck said. I turned around and saw more things. But not of Munch. Of Echo.

"Alex." I said. Alex turned around and saw what I saw. "There breaking him!" I said almost in a yell.

"Guys... Someone 's coming.. We should go." Emma said fast. We were leaving but someone grab my arm really hard. Ugh not them again!

"Hey hey hey." the guy said. It feels like this guy is stalking us or something. Cause he always seems to know where we are. Another guy grab Alex, and Tuck's arm too. Making them move around telling them to let go. But they know they won't so whats the whole point of trying?

They took us to a room. Leaving Emma behind. We walk into a room. The guy let go of our arms harshly making us regain our balanced. There was three chairs. So we all sat down I sat next to Alex, and Tuck said next to me. So yeah I was in the middle.

"You know if you keep grabbing my arm like that your gonna leave me a bruise." I stated. The guy slam his fist his hand on the table loudly. Making all of us jump.

"Okay. No more lies, no more sneaking around. No more of your little girlfriend's and no more cameras either. Understand?" The guy said.

I was confused with what he said. ' no more girlfriends' what's that supposed to mean? I look over at Tuck. He brought his spy glasses on him.

"Son look at me." The guy said. Tuck put them on and looked at him. "Look at me." He said more harshly.

"I-i see them better with them on. You know?" He said. The guy ignore him.

"The single has been transmitting for a very long time. From a ship we believe is located right here in your neighborhood." The guy said.

"Wait what?" I ask confused. I'm pretty sure Tuck and Alex was confused too.

"Six days ago." The guy started. "An object entered our atmosphere at 20,000 miles per hour. On direct course for that ship." he explained showing us some video. "And we shot it down." He finished.

"Are you crazy!" I yelled.

"What you found actives the ship. An if that ship takes off it could kill everyone." He said.

"Your insane. He just want's to go home. He's not trying to kill us." I said.

"He just want's to go home." Alex mumbles.

"And were not gonna let that happen." The guy said.

"This is crazy." Tuck said.

"So." He said standing up walking to us.

"We are gonna follow this map and you and your friends are gonna help us get this thing operational and, it lead us back to the ship, am I clear?" He ask.

"And if we don't?" I ask. He slam his fist on the desk again.

"Am I clear!" He yelled.

"Yeah." Alex said stuttering. I look at him shock, but mostly angry.

Hey guys! How are things?

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