Chapter I

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Darth Vargus enters the Dark Council chambers, where the judging eyes of the secret Sith government gaze upon him

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Darth Vargus enters the Dark Council chambers, where the judging eyes of the secret Sith government gaze upon him. "Lords of the Sith, three years ago I promised a new Empire to rise from the ashes of what was lost under Malgus' rule...and I have delivered spectacularly! The Sith are more powerful than ever, our ranks infallible to the traps of a fragile Jedi Order. I have accomplished what not even Malgus could and in such short time! If we Sith are to survive, I am the only option. I will be our salvation! I am the only acceptable option to take the Sith throne. You know this to be true."

"On the contrary, Vargus

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"On the contrary, Vargus." Darth Baras stands from his seat. "Members of the Dark Council, we live in pressing times, with no Emperor to rule, the Dark Council has been the main source of authority in the Sith Empire, do we really wish to let Vargus change that? He claims to have done so much for the Empire, yet provides no meaningful proof of such deeds, perhaps he is not fit to rule us at all."

"No proof? I have legions of Sith all trained under my supervision, more skilled than any warrior we have seen in the past. I have brought about a rebirth of the Sith!" Vargus points at Darth Baras. "While you have spent the past three-no, eight years sitting on your council seat, coasting by on the work of others, grasping for power you have! Not! EARNED!"

The Council members speak among themselves while Vargus takes a moment to regain his composure. "However, if it's proof you want, I shall demonstrate the true power of my new regime. The New Empire will rise under my leadership and you will be exposed for the useless politician you really are, Baras. I offer the council the opportunity to witness exactly what my rule is capable of. We will cripple the Republic, The Jedi, and I will personally execute the two biggest threats that currently stand against us; The Disgraced Jedi, Kira Regana and Sith Traitor, Kaeiden Creed!" He declares.

"You're a fool, Vargus. Kira Regana and Kaeiden Creed have not been seen since the death of Malgus, hunting them down will hardly be an easy task." Says Baras.

"That's exactly why they have been chosen for this demonstration." Says Darth Vargus. "There is no obstacle that can stand in my way. I will be able to extend this to the entirety of the Sith when I become Emperor." A sinister smile is seen on his face. "Besides, Baras. You'd be a fool to doubt me now when there is an Empire coming that threatens to destroy the galaxy as we know it. The Sith, The Jedi, The Republic, The Empire, all of it!"

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