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Summary: When they are working on a new case, and the newest victim turns out to be you, Spencer's fiancé, hell brakes loose. Are you smart enough to send them a secret message within a message? Will they find you again? Alive?

Spoiler: Season 3 team (cause it's still my fave and I'm only at season 5 right now), but no spoiler to a particular episode

Warnings: abduction, discussion of murder, angst, wounds, discussion of loss

Words: 3503


The team was sitting in the conference room, discussing a new case. The didn't have to leave this time, the case was right in front of their doors, which made it just a little bit scarier.

They had been working on this case for the past two days and nobody had much time to sleep since then. Most of them didn't even leave the office at all, JJ only headed out once to pick up Henry because they had no babysitter for this hour.

But then she came back and hasn't left since.

Spencer wished he could just go home to you, his fiancé, and cuddle with you, forget all the evil and bad in the world for a moment.

But he couldn't, because those woman, who got abducted deserved justice.

A killer needed to be stopped.

I the bord were four pictures of women with (y/h/c) hair, (y/s/c) skin and (y/e/c) eyes.

It was clear to the team, that the killer had a specific type. Woman between the ages of 25 and 35 and with those certain looks.

Everyone was doing the best the could, but would that be enough?

Although there was a killer on the loose, Spencer and you always took your five minutes in your lunch break for a quick call. Ever since Spencer landed in the hospital and you onyk found out about a day later, you always called each other at 12pm in your lunch break. Even if it was only for five minutes, it was enough to know he was alive.

And even today Spencer quickly walked into a supply closet at 12 to at least have some privacy when he was calling you. But you didn't pick up. Of course he found it strange, but since he was immediately cut off, he just assumed you had forgotten to charge your phone again. That sometimes happened and although his heart always jumped when you didn't pick up, you would call him back as soon as your phone was charged again.

When he came back into the room, everyone immediately looked up at him, sadness and guilt filling there eyes.

What was happening?

JJ, who had just been interviewing a victim, stood at the front of the room again, her eyes saying 'sorry' the most.

He didn't know what was happening, but he had a bad feeling.

"Guys?", he asked, his voice breaking.

He had a really really bad feeling now.

"It's (y/n)", JJ started but cut herself off.

She also didn't need to say anything further. You were just the unsub's type and you didn't answere his call a minute ago.

"She didn't answere your call, did she?", Derek said slowly and silently.

Spencer could only shake his head, not trusting his voice at all.

But then something inside him snapped.

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