F-Penelope's Sister?!

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Penelope's sister

Summary: You were Spencer's girlfriend and Penelope's sister, although you didn't know they were coworkers. Then suddenly the team wants to meet you as his girlfriend in a club...

Warnings: a little panic, but nothing really graphic

Spoilers: my favourite team constellation again, because it's my favourite. Team from season 3 and 4 and so on (I'm sill only season 5 sooooo)

Words: 3551

You and your dear sister Penelope García were sitting in a Café, drinking coffee and eating cake.

You and her didn't often get the chance to catch up, but since your moved closer to her about a year ago, you two tried to eat together more often and grow closer again.

Today you had big news. Because she had been so busy with her job, you didn't really had the time to catch up. Of course she called you sometimes, but you didn't really want to tell her that particular detail over the phone.

You were no expert at dating. And there's no shame in that. You've had some dates throughout your high-school years, but you never really found 'the one'.

Penelope desperately wanted you to find your Prince Charming.

So she should be glad and happy when she heard the news.

You stirred in your coffee for a bit, not quite sure on how to approach the topic the right way.

Suddenly Penelope grabbed your hand, with which you unconsciously played with the flowery paper towel you received with your cake.

"Tell me what's wrong. I always know when something's up with you", and she gave you that strict mum look she was so good at when she was nine and you were five. That certain look, that just made you want to tell her everything.

"It's not like something bad happened."

"So something good?", she smirked at you, wiggling her eyebrows.nAnd because you knew what she was hinting at you started to nervously play with the paper again.

"Ohhhhh", her smirk widened even more and you laughed at her expression.

"Stop it Penny", you hissed, but she knew you never really meant it.

"Tell me everything. I want details. Every. Little. Detail."

"Well.. I met him a few months back-"


"yeahh?", you laughed a little as Penelope was looking at you with a shocked face.

"How many months?"

"Well.. Maybe one or two or five", you muttered the last part under your breath, but of course she caught onto it anyway. It's not like you were really trying to hide it.

"Five months?!", she shrieked, making a few people in the Café look at you strangely. But with a style like Penelope's, one got used to getting strange looks all the time. It's not like it bothered you much any more. You just had to learn, not to care about stranger's opinions too much.

"Okay. Okay. Okay. Now I just want to know it even more!", she exclaimed, picking up a little piece of her pinkish strawberry cake and stuffing it in her mouth.

"His name is Spencer", you started. And of course Penelope noticed the similarity in names, but she just thought nothing of it. Spencer wasn't a very uncommon name and just because it was a Spencer, didn't mean it was her Spencer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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