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The Lakes / Viserys Targaryen / Corlys Velaryon out now!

"Thank you for hosting us." Rieka remarked fondly. Leona slept soundly in her arms the little bundle. Her perfect little girl. She couldn't wait to tell cersei. She hoped cersei wouldnt be as cruel to leona like she was to tyrion. Tyrion had always said that jaime was good to him.

"Please you were a treat." Doran assured. He smiled down at leona. "I always wanted a daughter. My wife passed before we could have more children."

"I only want the one." Rieka countered. "Im done. That was hard enough."

"Sweet girl, i hope to see you again." Doran held out a little star pendant. "For your daughter one day. Or maybe above her crib when you return home."

"Its lovely. Thank you. I will cherish it." Rieka agreed.

"You ready Rieka?" Jaime questioned running a gentle hand over leonas little head.

"I wish you a safe journey home.' Doran said as Bronn, Rieka Jaime and Myrcella boarded a boat to take them home to kings landing.

'Forgive Me child.' Elliara said kissing myrcella goodbye on the lips they headed home they were granted access home, no fuss.

" that was weird. Shes like really old compared to myrcella." Rieka mumbled heading off.

"Lets not worry about how inappropriate that was. Lets just go home." Jaime countered.

Once situated on the ship rieka excused herself to tend to leona. She had a hearty appetite.

Trystane offered to tend to leona while rieka took a nap.

"You gave birth. Surely you are tired." Trystane offered. "And when we are wed- not you and me but me and myrcella." He clarified. "I expect many children in our future."

"I expect that as well from you two. You are clearly in love." Rieka agreed.

"She is perfection." Trystane agreed "i love her so much. She is the best thing in the world."

"Thats good, use that line when you meet cersei." Rieka teased.

"It is no line." Trystane corrected.

"I know. Cersei will like you if you love myrcella and treat her right."

"She will be my queen." Trystane declared when jaime sobbed out. They ran down to the lower deck to see myrcella, blood seeping from her nose, her mouth, her ears. Limp in jaimes arms. 

"She's... she's..." Jaime sobbed, tears fell down his handsome face. And just like that everything had changed. 

'Your Grace... I'm sorry to disturb you but a ship from Dorne has settled into the harbor.'

The rest of the journey home was bitter sadness.  Bronn suggested they dump her over, the smell of death was stinking up the ship. RIeka shot him a deadly glare. Myrcella was a princess, she was to be brought home and laid to rest.   Coming back from dorne they came baring a dead princess and a new little girl. 

'Myrcella.' Cersei said happily, her daughter was home, but as cersei looked inside she did not see her daughter she saw Jaime staring at her, a body covered up in the middle of the ship. She didnt wait for them to dock Cersei stormed off, Jaime hesitated, looking to Rieka and Leona. 

"Go, I will be along." RIeka assured. 

Cersei had one word for Rieka upon seeing Leona.


"You be nice to my daughter or I put you through hell... worse than that sparrow you hired did." Rieka warned. "Cersei, please, what happened?"

"I dont know Rieka," Cersei whimpered. "I really dont know, I just... I feel like... I just..." Jaime took Leona and Rieka hugged Cersei.

"We are here, right here." Rieka assured. "Whatever you need."

"I want - I need, I NEED-" Cersei reiterated. "-them to burn."

"I think we can arrange that." Rieka offered.

"Don't turn into your mother, Leona." Jaime mused. "She has murder on her mind."

"Better on my mind than in my hands, right?" Rieka countered.

"Jaime go away." Cersei begged. 

"Cersei I just want-"

"I dont care what you want." Cersei countered. "I want Rieka. She is the only good thing in my life." 

"Fine... where is Tommen? I will let him know about Myrcella." Jaime agreed. Cersei's face turned down. "Cersei?"

'Your grace, my lord... my lady.''

'I want to see my wife.' Tommen demanded.

'The guards have requested that she seek penance for her crimes the king must wait as well.' High sparrow informed him.

"Tommen can you check on Leona? She was sleeping in your mum's chambers and we need a word with bird brain a moment longer." Rieka requested, Tommen nodded heading out. "Jaime." Rieka gestured to him as the door sealed shut.

''You're a bold man.' Jamie said back to the sparrow.

''On the contrary I fear a great deal, the father the mother the warrior,' he smiled to himself.  ''do you know why we use stones?' the sparrow questioned 'to remind us not to fear death we close our eyes in this world but open them in the next.''

''You must laugh at the next life.' Jaime remarked.

''In truth I fear that too.''

''You humiliated my sister.'' Jaime barked.

"She was trying to bring justice to the wicked ways and you repay her by making a mockery of her and the crown." Rieka agreed. "She is the queen and you-"

''Your sister sat for God's mercy and atone for her sins.'' Sparrow corrected.

'What about my sins!' Jaime questioned 'I broke a sacred oath and stabbed the kings Hand in the back I killed my own cousin, I stabbed the king in the back, when the gods decide their judgment I helped my brother escape justice... what atonement do I deserve?' Jamie demanded taking threatening steps forward. Rieka seemed like an angel compared to Jaime but she always did muse about having a tilted halo.

''If you spill blood in this holy Place...' the sparrow warned.

'Oh, the gods won't mind.' Jaime told him. 

"they spill more blood than the rest of us combined.' Rieka agreed.

''Go on then I deserve it.' the sparrow told him 'we all are but weak vain creatures we live only by the mothers mercy.' The sparrow told them, soon they were surrounded, Rieka sucked in a tight breath really wishing she brought a blade but they were in a holy place and that didnt seem right. Now she thought fuck whats right and kill this evil man but she didnt want to die trying, didnt want Jaime dead trying to avenge his sister.

''They should be closer if they mean to save you.' Jaime threatened but he pulled Rieka closer behind him.

''They don't. I know they won't reach me before you struck.' the sparrow said but looked around at all his worshippers contently.

''I fought against worse odds.' Jaime said confidently.

'No doubt many of us would fall but who are we? We have no names no families everyone of us is poor and powerless and yet together we can overthrow an empire.'

"Come on." Rieka pulled his arm. "Now is not the time or place." Jaime huffed a breath following her out. "We need to find out how Ellaria did it." Rieka decided. 


"She killed Myrcella from the shores." Rieka added. "We could do the same to him. Make him suffer and we could be deemed innocent."

"I like how you think." Jaime agreed. 

"Lets get to work."

Want You Back / Jaime Lannister/ Cersei Lannister (2.7)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora