The Beginning

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[Word Count: 1176]

The beginning, we're not exactly where we started, but here we are. We've journeyed through twists and turns, facing challenges and embracing change along the way. Our paths may have diverged, and our hearts may have grown wiser, yet our spirits remain resilient, yearning for new horizons to explore.

Though time has carved its marks upon our souls, we carry the memories of our humble beginnings. The echoes of laughter, the warmth of companionship, and the sweet taste of innocence linger within us, reminding us of where we've come from.

Life's kaleidoscope has painted vivid portraits upon the canvas of our existence. We've weathered storms, basking in the light of triumph, and we've stumbled upon the shadows of doubt, seeking solace in the embrace of resilience. Through it all, we've grown, blooming into versions of ourselves we once only dreamt of.

In this dance of life, we've discovered that destinations matter less than the moments we cherish. The milestones we've passed hold significance, but the journey itself has sculpted our character, revealing the strength and resilience that lie within.

So, here we stand, not exactly where we started, but enriched by the ebb and flow of life. The road ahead may be uncertain, yet we stride forward, fueled by a ceaseless curiosity and an unwavering belief in the power of the human spirit.

The soldier stands alone. The rain falling beside her, reflecting her unstoppable sorrow.

Lu stared into the sunset, its fiery hues painting the sky with a mixture of beauty and melancholy. Memories flooded her mind, a tapestry woven with both triumph and tragedy.

In the depths of her gaze, a myriad of emotions swirled. The weight of battles fought, comrades lost, and sacrifices made hung heavy upon her shoulders. Each droplet of rain mingled with tears, silently bearing witness to the pain etched upon her weary face.

But amidst the desolation, a flicker of resilience burned within her. Lu's spirit, forged in the crucible of adversity, refused to succumb to despair. Her heart, scarred yet unyielding, carried the indomitable spirit of a warrior who had known the cost of freedom.

The sunset's descent painted the horizon with shades of gold and purple, reminding Lu of the fleeting nature of life's moments. It whispered to her, urging her to find solace in the beauty that still lingered amidst the chaos. The setting sun, like a beacon of hope, whispered of new beginnings that could rise from the ashes of what once was.

And as the rain continued to fall, Lu made a silent vow. She would honor the fallen, the comrades who had fought valiantly by her side. Their memory would fuel her determination to strive for a world where the cries of war would be drowned by the harmony of peace.

With a resolute gaze, Lu stepped forward, her armor glistening with raindrops and the weight of her purpose. The soldier, unbroken by the storms of life, would continue to stand firm, an embodiment of courage and resolve. For in her heart, she knew that the journey was far from over. The sunset marked an ending, but it also heralded a new chapter yet to be written. And with each step forward, Lu embraced the unknown, ready to face whatever lay ahead, guided by the unwavering light within her.

"Hello?" a voice called in the distance, lu took a stance brushing her hair out of her face in response to the mysterious figure. All she could see was a shadow approaching her, the sun setting directly behind the figure made it impossible to make out who or what this was, but when the shadow started to fly, she stepped back in defense. Her face shadowed by the figure now only a meter away from her she held her sword out, barking with demands, "Who.. What are you?" her teeth clenched together and her eyebrows furrowed one could only describe her as an ungodly being. Fearless, powerful, brave.

"I'm Linnie.." The shadow floated to the ground, and Lu shifted her position, aligning herself parallel with the enigmatic being. The sun, like a celestial spotlight, pierced through the gap between them, casting rays of light that seemed to form a luminous path connecting their two worlds. Her breath caught in her throat as she gazed upon the figure, her astonishment mingling with a sense of wonder, "Linnie Bee."

As the light enveloped the figure, revealing its true nature, Lu's eyes widened in disbelief. It was not a shadow, nor an ethereal spirit, but a bee—a remarkable creature suspended in mid-air. The woman-like form, only slightly smaller than Lu herself, gracefully hovered just above the ground. The rapid fluttering of her circular wings created a soft symphony of buzzing.

Transfixed by the spectacle before her, Lu felt a surge of inexplicable connection. There was a silent understanding, an unspoken language between them that transcended the barriers of species. She could sense the bee's gentle presence, its delicate yet powerful energy radiating with purpose.

However.. The bees' pure existence confused her simple human soul. A bee was a tireless worker, a symbol of industriousness. This bee was alone, not a part of a colony, not working at all, simply traveling as an individual. Awe and curiosity swirled within Lu's being, beckoning her to reach out, to bridge the gap between their worlds. Slowly, tentatively, she extended her hand, her fingertips brushing against the invisible boundary that separated them. The warmth of the sunlight seemed to flow through her touch, creating a tangible connection.

"Why are you here?" Lu pulled her hand back towards her chest in defense, her sword ready in her other, interrogating the poor bee. "Woah wait a minute.. Why do you get to ask the questions?" The bee spoke assertively. Lu opened her eyes, twitching her head to the side with confusion, this bee was clearly not a queen bee, simply a worker created to do her leader's bidding, why was she.. Arguing?
"Because you—you're... Well, you're a bee?" Lu spoke with genuine confusion, her voice tinged with vulnerability. Never before had she found herself so defenseless when faced with a potential threat. Yet, in this extraordinary encounter, the bee girl exuded an aura that shattered Lu's protective shield, dismantling her ego brick by brick.

The bee, now grounded before Lu, fixed her gaze upon her with eyes that glimmered with both curiosity and intensity. "And you're a human," she snapped in response, her voice carrying a hint of sternness. Her landing broke the barrier of sunlight, symbolizing a crossing of boundaries as she took a deliberate step forward. The energy between them crackled, bridging the gap of their disparate worlds.

A moment of silence lingered in the air, pregnant with unspoken questions and unexplored possibilities. Lu took a deep breath, her confusion giving way to a sense of surrender. The encounter had stripped away her preconceived notions and demanded that she see beyond the superficial distinctions of species. "I'm Lu." Was all she wanted to respond.

"I repeat, why are you here?" Lu persisted with her question.
"The same reason as you probably." Linnie responded with a frown.
"And what's that?"
"It's the beginning."

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