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[Word Count: 1292]

The mountain pierced through the clouds as Lu and the bee girl, Linnie, walked through the expansive landscape. The air was crisp, and a serene stillness surrounded them, embracing their presence. In this tranquil atmosphere, silence enveloped them, allowing the immensity of their surroundings to speak for itself.

As they continued their journey, Lu felt an indescribable connection to the majestic mountain, its towering peaks seemingly reaching for the heavens. Its presence evoked a sense of awe and humility, reminding her of the vastness and grandeur of the natural world. Jealousy, that's what it was. It wasn't just admiration it was envy, how grand this mountain was, how incredible its peak. She wanted more.

"Where are you from?" Linnies voice cuts through the silence, breaking the reverie that had enveloped them. Lu turned her gaze towards Linnie, her eyes reflecting both curiosity and a hint of vulnerability.

A gentle smile graced Lu's face as she pondered Linnie's question. It was a question that went beyond geographical origins, delving into the essence of her being and the stories that had shaped her. The vastness of the natural world surrounding them seemed to echo the vastness of their own journeys.

"Why would you wanna know?" Lu replied, her voice carrying a melodic and sarcastic quality. Clearly bothered that the bee was asking her too much about her personal life. Ask her about bugs or the moon, not about her. "I guess it's customary that I explain who I am and where im from." she finished her statement with a sigh.

Linnie's eyes lit up with a flicker of excitement as she sensed a breakthrough in breaking through Lu's stern demeanor. She had sparked a response, and in that moment, she felt a surge of connection and understanding. After a brief pause, Lu sighed softly, her defenses gradually dissipating. "I suppose there's no harm in sharing a glimpse of who I am," she relented, her voice tinged with a mix of resignation and curiosity, "i come from.. you know that city, the rising empire doomed to fail? Yeah. I'm from there." Lu smiled as if the story of her home wasn't much of a big deal, but in response, Linnie frowned.

Everyone had heard about that small town growing so fast in riches and power, the poor become poorer, the rich become richer, if the city wasn't blown up the economy was doomed to fail regardless.

Lu's words hung in the air, revealing a facet of her origins that carried a weight beyond her nonchalant smile. Linnie's frown deepened, reflecting an understanding of the implications behind Lu's statement. A moment of silence passed between them, the weight of the city's fate settling upon their shoulders. Linnie could sense the complex emotions that swirled within Lu, concealed behind her dismissive demeanor. "I'm sorry to hear that," Linnie spoke softly, her voice carrying empathy and a genuine desire to connect. The deep atmosphere between then was cut short by a laugh, Lu chuckled leaning her hand on the sword in her holster. "No big deal really, i made it out alive.. no one else did." Her previous laugh now seemed maniacal but Linnie brushed it off as nerves.

"I left my colony." Linnie speaks with her head hung low, walking next to Lu despite her wings meaning she didn't have to. She answered the question before lu even asked. "The queen was a bitch and some of the workers were up their own asses." She buzzed her wings with anger, following her statement her teeth clenched together. But her posture changed quickly when she flew a few inches into the air with excitement. "Im happy now, alone.. but better than with those assholes." Her feet touched the floor again and the two rounded the corner, past the mountain they saw multiple people laughing together as they gathered materials.

"Let's go say hi!" Linnie buzzed ahead.
"WAIT NO THEY COULD BE DANGerous..." Her caution trailed off into something softer, a serious tone. Watching the bee girl greet the three travellers opened her eyes slightly. Slowly she approached them, one step at a time, anticipation seeming to make the short walk over feel much longer.

Approaching the trio of travelers, Lu's gaze shifted from one face to another, observing the subtle nuances of their expressions and the stories etched within their eyes. There was an air of weariness mixed with hope, a tapestry of experiences woven through the lines upon their faces. With a mixture of trepidation and genuine curiosity, Lu mustered the courage to speak.
"Hi." She spat, Linnies eyes lighting up.

"This is Lu! i just met her but shes crazy cool, she has this edgy feeling but i know she's really a big softie on the inside- OH and did you notice her scars? aren't they scary that's so cool!" Linnie spoke for her, rambling about her views on Lu as if they had known each other since forever. Lu smiled softly, she couldn't help it, watching linnie start to float slightly buzzing surrounding the 5 of them as she rambles on about herself too. Lu cut it shorter than planned but her defensive nature told her to. "Enough Linnie," she turned to the three, "who are you?"

A girl with medium length brown hair and a turquoise colour choice of clothing stepped forward, the crown in her head tipping slightly forward as she bowed to Lu. An obvious attempt at being civil, but Lu didnt take to it lightly, seeing it as some sort of intimidation technique. "My names summer." She started, gesturing to the person next to her that seemed to not stray far from her at all, almost as if they were connected no matter the world or reality they were in. "This is Peyton." Lu's eyes glanced at her and simply nodded to acknowledge her existence. The third then stood forward, another gentle looking figure that seemed as if she had nothing bad tied to her in any way. "Im Kat, Its lovely to meet you." Her hand outstretched a small flower, a smile on her face as lu looked at it with a face of disgust. "No thanks.." she pressed her lips together.

"Were setting up home here, if you want to join us?" Summer spoke with a smile, before Lu even had the chance to speak Linnie beamed with excitement, "I'D LOVE TO!" lu grabbed the bees wings to prevent her from flying to the sky, dragging her to the side as she yelped at the sudden touch on her fragile wings.

Lu's eyes seemed to glow, her hair shading her view of the others, all she could see was linnies concerned expression. "What is it?" Linnies voice was fragile, offended to be dragged by her wings away from a group of people that, to her, seemed kind and welcoming. "We don't know these people Linnie. Who knows what they could do. You can't just trust people you just met." Lu spoke harshly but she meant it to protect the bee. In response the bee just fell silent, stepping towards Lu slightly with concern painted on her face. "WE just met." She spoke with the same tone Lu had given her, returning the energy as if it was instinct to follow anything anyone says.

Lu scoffed looking towards the three who were just giggling within the three of them.
"Of course. You're a follower.." She muttered, it was obvious that this was the fact, she was a simple worker bee suddenly alone who was invited to be a part as what Lu assumed she would see as her own colony. "Fine." Lu changed her mind. "You can stay."

"Will you be here?" Linnie blurted out her thoughts in a sudden burst,
"Y-Yeah i suppose," Lu responded, "To keep you safe."

"I can't promise I'll stay."

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