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Lu awoke in the depths of a cave, surrounded by the encompassing darkness. The cool, damp air filled her lungs, offering a sense of solace and tranquility. For a moment, she felt a rare comfort in the solitude, as if the cave's embrace shielded her from the chaotic world outside that she had gotten herself into by allowing that bee to be a part of her story.

In this sanctuary of darkness, Lu discovered a newfound sense of safety. The cave became a haven, shielding her from the external pressures and expectations that often burdened her spirit. It provided a space where she could retreat and reconnect with her own essence, free from the distractions that cluttered her mind.

"Helloooo?" Linnie's voice echoed through the cave, breaking the solitude that had embraced Lu. Startled, Lu turned her head towards the entrance and saw Linnie standing there, her presence bringing a spark of life and vibrancy to the dimly lit space.

A mixture of surprise and warmth washed over Lu as she realized she was no longer alone in her sanctuary. Linnie's arrival felt like a gentle intrusion, Lu groaned in frustration and stood from her seat on the damp floor. Linnie's wings buzzed softly as she fluttered closer, her eyes alight with curiosity. "I saw you leave, and.. well i followed you here last night." she explained. "Is this your choice of home?" Linnie tilted her face with an expression of disgust.
"For now." Lu responded lifting some of the wooden materials she had gathered during the night, blocking up the entrance with a door to stop anyone else intruding. 

Linnie buzzed around the cave, her wings creating a gentle hum that resonated within the cavernous walls, "Its very.. dull."
"Thanks." Lu responded, filling some of the caverns with storage to put leftover things she couldn't carry with her any longer. 
"Lets spruce it up!" Linnie beamed with excitement.
"Funny but I don't have any spruce wood." Lu chuckled, picking up some oak to fill the cavern with structure to prevent the walls from caving in if anything were to happen.

Linnie sighed and took the wood from her hands, "no i mean let's make this cave a home."
Lu rolled her eyes but knew she couldn't refuse without a fight and she was not in the mood for an argument right now.

In the passing of time, the cave underwent a transformation, as if responding to the energy and presence of Lu and Linnie. Banners adorned the walls, their vibrant colors breathing life into the once dimly lit space. The atmosphere seemed to shift, the dampness replaced by a gentle warmth that enveloped the cave. A cozy bed now occupied a corner of the cave, its softness beckoning Lu to rest and rejuvenate. It was as if the cave had sensed her needs and provided a place of reprieve amidst their shared exploration. 

"Lu?" linnie called cutting straight through Lu's tranquility,
"What is it?" lu replied with a tilt of her head revealing a scar on the side of her neck which was large and stretched halfway around, Linnie noticed the scar with opened eyes but shook it off to finish her statement, "The others were looking for you, that's actually why I came here." 

Lu furrowed her eyebrows, a tinge of displeasure seeping into her expression. The news that the others had been searching for her stirred a mix of emotions within her. She had found solace and a renewed sense of self in the cave, and the thought of being pulled away from that sanctuary was met with resistance. Her voice carried a note of resignation as she responded to Linnie, "I see. I guess I'm coming?" Linnie giggled at her response, holding in a belly laugh, to which Lu shot her a piercing stare. "what's funny about that?"
"cumming." Linnie repeated, emphasis on the first three letters of the word with an echoed giggle suddenly turning compressed as they exited the cave. Lu responded with a smile, understanding the humor but unable to express her thoughts of the hilarity that ensued within her.

Lu approached the town, her eyes taking in the sight of the humble homes and the bustling activity of its very few residents. It was a small town, but one that exuded a sense of community and belonging. The pride in Summer's voice resonated within Lu, as she recognized the significance of finding a place to call home, no matter how modest it may be.

A gentle smile curved Lu's lips as she observed the townspeople going about their daily routines, their interactions infused with warmth and familiarity. There was a sense of safety that emanated from the town, a refuge from the uncertainties and challenges of the outside world.
"Hey! we've been looking for you. The town building is going pretty well if i do say so myself, what do you think?" Summer smiled at Lu, for some reason seeking validation from her despite Lu not caring much.
"It may not be much, but it has its own charm," Lu remarked, her voice filled with appreciation. 

Lu's words carried a sense of validation and encouragement, offering a genuine appreciation for the efforts made by Summer and the other townspeople. She understood the power of acknowledging the progress made, no matter how small, and the impact it could have on fostering a sense of pride and motivation within the community. 

Her ego growing at her sudden pride.

Linnie lead Lu around everyones homes, the two others asking for her appreciation.

"Where's your place?" Lu cut in, Linnie blushing with embarrassment as she stared towards a shack made of rubble, granted it had a roof and well built walls and windows, it was still scrappy and Linnie wasn't too proud of it. 

"Its a mess." Linnie mumbled. 

"Its not bad." Lu responded.

"Its abominable."

"Its.. cute."

"Stop teasing meeee."

"i mean it, its cute."

"You do?" Linnies eyes lit up with hope, longing for Lu's approval.

"Of course Linnie Bee."

"No need to be so formal, call me Linnie."

"Okay Linnie Bee."


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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