Chapter 2 revenge of the spider queen pt2

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A/N [HI sorry it took so long for me to post this iv been busy with house renovations lately]

Y/n's pov

"So, how exactly does this work?" The guyvwith glasses that I learned name is tang asked as Red son was finishing up a teleportation spell.
"Yeah I was wondering as well" I say hoping to get red son to explain.
"Ugh. If I tried to explain mystical interdimensional travel to a bunch of peasants, it'd melt your brains!" Red son said looking up at us then glaring at Mk as he started to speak.
"We don't have any other option. We have to trust him." I internaly face palm at mk's comment knowing it would anger red son.
"Great speech, Noodle Boy. Super motivational" red son retorts as he commences his dramatic preparation to open up the portal but is interrupted by tang.

"Uh, are we sure mortals can travel to the Celestial Realm?" Tang questions.
"Of course they can!" Red son yells bak and tries to start the ritual again but is interrupted by pigst this time.
"Sure, Probably?" Red son says not completely sure.
"PROBABLY?!" Everyone Shouts at him as we enter the portal.

We get through the portal and red son speaks again.
"I did say it'd melt your brains" he says pointing at sandy's hair witch is on fire causing sandy to panic and try to put it out and mo helps. Tang looks around in awe.
"The Celestial realm~" you can hear the awe in his voice as he looks around at are surroundings.
"So some special pills, a fancy peach, and a furnace. Where are we gonna find these things?" Pigsy questions and we all look at Red son who is silent.

"*GASP* red boy doesn't know!?" Mei yells dramaticly.
" I know they're somewhere! I'm a demon! It's not like I've been here before." He retorts and I mean he has a point demons aren't exactly aloud here.
"Hey I know we're the peach is!" I yell out trying to help. They all look at me and I continue.
"Yeah there in the heavenly orchard surprised they didn't move them after i- I mean that jinx lady stole some and THEN monkey king stile some but to each there own" I say while thinking and sandy starts to speak.
"Stole? That's not the Monkey King I know."
"Well he did" I reply bluntly.
"The pills of the Great Master Lao Tzu. Monkey King stole some of those too, they must be in Lao Tzu's alchemy lab." Tang says looking around at us.
"And what about the furnace? I can't make anything without that."Red son asks.
"It could be there in the lab, but my guess is it will be in the Jade Emperor's throne room." Tang answers.
"Wait, what?" "Huh?" Mk and Mei say Simultaneously but are ignored.
"Alright then, il be off to grab that peach." Red son starts to walk off but me and Mei tackle him.
"What? Like, we just let you wander off on your own?!" Mei says as Red escapes are grip.
"Yeah plus I haven't had onein forever and I could do for a snack!" I yell but immediately regret it seeing the looks everyone gives me but luckily for me that's all they give me weird look.
"I'm gonna ignore what y/n just said and you 2 can just wait here like obedient, little-" Red son starts but is cut off as Mei bites his hand making me laugh.
"No, I'm keeping you where I can see you!" She yells as Red starts to spin herein circles trying to get her off witch makes me laugh even more.

Everyone decides what there gonna get I ignore them and follow red and Mei as we start to walk off.

We arrive at the gardens and Mei starts to attempt to make conversation with red.
"So, I heard you helped Mk beat your dad?"
I look over to her shocked.
"WHAT!?" I yell almost angerly at Red.
"That was one time! My father, the Great Demon Bull King, was... not himself. But in no other instance would I ever assist that sorry excuse for a hero" Red retorts and I hold in a laugh at meis face.
"But your totally assisting him right now *GASP* you are a hero" she yell and I take the moment while there distracted to grab afew peaches for later. I over hear Mei bombarding red about saving the world as I come back over to them.
Mei starts recording a vlog then runs off leaving me and red to walk.
"I've just decided, she's next on my hit list." Red mumbles angerly and I take out 1 of the peaches and start eating it. But notice red staring at me.
"What do I have somting on my face?" I ask wiping my mouth assuming it was peach juice.
"Uh- mabey because your just casually eating A PEACH IF IMMORTALITY!!" He yells witch throws me off as I take another bite kf the peach.
"Danm some people are stupid" I mutter under my breath before replying to him.
"Its just a snack besides I lived here snacking on them for a solid week before they hired wukong to "protect" them" I say tilting my head at him. He just stares back dumbfounded.
"WAIT, You are that jinxed person tang was talking about aren't you!?" Red questions me and I start laughing since he finally realized.
"BINGO! Took you long enough don't tell mk though I have a feeling he'll turn me in to monkey king... does this mean I can touch your hair now?" I say and start reaching out to touch his hair witch bursts into flames as he trys to tell me no but I put my can on his head and try to ruffle his hair but the ponytail is to tight. He hits my hand away angerly and storms off to meet up with Mei.

When we get to the tree red lifts me onto his shoulders and I lift Mei onto mine to be able to better reach the peaches.
"Hey remember when you whent crazy racing for a fake one if these?" Mei asks red while reaching for a peach.
"I remember when you wrecked my car" Red says getting slightly angry so his hair get warm but not quite into flames.
"Mmmmmm warm~" I say out loud accidentally.
"GOT IT!" Mei says grabbing a peach and hopping off my shoulders bzut I stay on Reds because I don't feel like walking.

We start to walk off but Red decides to jinx us.
"Well that was easy-" He says walking into a spider henchman.
"YOU HAD TO JINX IT" I yell angerly at Red and look up at the strong spider.
"Well, well. You and your little girlfriend are coming with me." The strong spider says and Mei starts laughing until Reds hair lights on fire with me still on his shoulders it doesn't actually hurt me but she doesn't know that plus that's not what I'm focused on right now.
"His.."I Stat my face turning bright red.
"GIRLFRIEND!?!?" Red finishes screaming at the spider.
"Flaming fist of dignity!!!" He yess blowing fire at the spider and running.
"YOU GOT ME IN MY FAVORITE EYE!" The angry spider yells clutching his face and trying to punch Mei but she dodges and chases after us.
"Hey get back here with that stone fruit!!" The spider yells after us while we run away.

Meanwhile with sandy

Sandy was finishing fixing up the ship when he heard pigsy calling is name. As they jump aboard.
"Pigsy!Tangy!You got the pills!" He yells at then happily.
"Uh huh, WE ALSO GOT SPIDERS! They followed us here!!" He yes pointing at huntsman.
"Oh" "where are the others?!"pigsy asks but is answers by Mei yelling.
"SANDY!!!" Everyone looks over and sees Mei running beside red whi had me in there back and I'm just sitting there bright red staring off into nothing.
"Start the engines it's time to go!" Tang yells.
"What about Mk?" Pigsy asks but again in answered by Mk yelling at sandy while riding a lion guardian mech.
"START! THE! MECH!" Mk yells as he started to jump towards the ship jumping over the 2 spider henchmen.

Mk lands getting rid of his mech and all of a sudden Mei turns to me seeing that everyone else is fine.
"OH MY GOD ARE YOU OK RED BOY FULLY LIT YOU ON FIRE!?!?!!?" Mei screams panicking and checking me kver as I get off Reds shoulders finally getting out of my trance.
"Wha- oh no I'm fine it didn't burn" I say hoping it wouldn't blow my cover.
" I'm starting to get suspicious of this girl first having the same name as some evil fire kitsune then saying somthing about snaking on immortal peaches witch tang mentioned that the jinx lady did now as Mei says red fully lit her on fire and she's perfectly fine it can't all be a coincidence, who really are you y/n" pigsy says looking at me and I go pale as a ghost looking to red for help.

A/n [Hey hope you enjoy Word count is 1500 somthing see you next chapter have a good day or night and byeee]

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