Chapter 34

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  Aaron stared at Logan, ruminating on what he should tell him. But when he opened his mouth to decline, Logan smiled at him. That was all it took for him to change his mind.

"Sure, we can go to my apartment."


  Aaron walked behind Logan as they headed for his jeep. Inside the vehicle he turned his head to Logan. "Do you want to stay the night?"

"I have to get a change of clothes."

"No problem."

  Even though Logan's face was turned away from him, he could still see the smile he was trying to hide. He drove them to the dorm building and parked the vehicle. He got out and followed him up to his room. Aaron was glad that Theo was nowhere around. He didn't want want Logan to give him the silent treatment again.

  Logan unlocked his door and they went inside. "Give me a minute."

"Take your time."

  Logan disappeared into his room, so Aaron sat down to scroll through his phone. His cellphone pinged signaling an incoming message. He quickly checked the message and a curse left his mouth.

  He glanced at the door then back at his phone. Aaron bit his lower lip as he squeezed his eyes shut for a second. His eyes flickered to the door when he heard it opened.

"I'm ready." Logan said exiting his room holding a black duffel bag.

  Aaron's gaze flitted to the bag then up at Logan. A blush crept up Logan's face before averting his gaze. Aaron got up without say a word and took the bag from. The bag felt heavier than it was supposed to be, with clothes just for tonight.

  Aaron thought that they could leave this place unnoticed but Theo was sitting in that same damn chair when they reached the lobby. He looked up and smiled at him before getting up from his seat.

  Aaron saw a flash of annoyance crossed Logan's face before he smoothed his features.

"Hey, Aaron. What's up?"

"Theo, why are you always sitting here alone?"

"It's peaceful." Theo finally looked at Logan. "Sorry about last time. I got a bit excited."

"It's all good." Logan said without looking at Theo. He grabbed Aaron's hand, pulling him towards the exit.

  Aaron stifled his laughter when Logan kept pulling him as though he was a child. He came to halt next to the passenger side door and opened it before striding around to the driver's side.

"I don't like him being near you."

"He hasn't done anything." Aaron said closing the door, then keyed the ignition and drove off campus to his apartment. When he was ready, he would do a background check on Theo.

"I've seen the way he looks at you. I don't trust him."

  Aaron didn't trust him also but until he saw signs that Theo was a threat, he had to leave it alone.

"I'll try to avoid him, okay." He could only reassure him this way. He braced an arm on the window enjoying the night air. It was getting colder since it was getting closer to winter.

  The building, Aaron drove up to wasn't a dilapidated but a luxury high-rise apartment. Aaron got out first, grabbing Logan's bag from the backseat.

  They both walked into the building where the security
guard nodded at Aaron but kept quiet.

"Are we at the right place?" Logan asked.

"Yes, this is where I stay." Aaron told him as they headed for the elevator.

  When they got onto the elevator, Aaron placed the bag down to press the floor number.

"What floor do you live on?"

"The tenth floor."

  The elevator door opened and Aaron walked out into the hallway, with Logan lagging behind him. Aaron walked to a door, he pulled out his key card to unlock the door.

"You first." Aaron stepped aside to let Logan enter then followed, closing the door behind him.

  Logan just stood there, looking around in awe. "This place looks very expensive." He walked over to the window to look at the view down below.

  Aaron had chosen this floor because it was convenient for him.

"Come on, let me show you the bedroom."

  Aaron led him to the second door on the left. He had personally decorated this spacious bedroom in different shades of brown, with a touch of baby blues, violet and green. A king size bed, small sitting area and a walk-in closet.

"Did you brought clothes to sleep in?"

"Only clothes for tomorrow."

  Aaron set down the duffel bag then walked to his closet. He rifled through a drawer, taking out a clean pair of pajama bottom and a shirt for Logan.

  He exited the closet with the clothes in his hand and handed them to Logan.

"Take a shower." Aaron pointed to the door. "The bathroom is over there."


  Logan walked in the direction of the bathroom. When the door closed behind him, Aaron took off his jacket, threw it over the chair and got his charger from the nightstand.

  Afterwards, he left the bedroom and went into the living-room where he plugged in his cellphone.

  Since it was already after six pm, he went to the kitchen to cook something for Logan to eat. He knew Logan hadn't eaten much today.

  He was still at the stove when Logan exited the bedroom, hair dripping wet. Aaron turned off the stove then walked towards him.

"Let me dry your hair."

  He went to st on the sofa then pulled the ottoman between his legs then patted the ottoman. Logan sat down then handed him the towel.

  Aaron dried the silky strands, squeezing the excess water from his hair. He removed the wet towel, gently massaging his scalp.

"That feels good." Logan hummed putting his head back to rest on Aaron's knee.

  He brushed his hands through the silken strands, loving the way they felt between his fingers.

  Logan would let out a low moan every time, making Aaron stare down at him.

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