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TW: Suicide attempt.

Stumbling her way into the club, Amira was as high as a kite.

Completely determined to have one last night of complete ecstasy before she ended it all, she made a beeline for the bar. As she lazily hopped unto an unoccupied stool she beckoned the bartender over.

"Yuh have Wray and him nephew ova deh suh sar?" she asked, with her pupils dilated.

" Miss, I'm afraid I can't understand what you're saying. Could you speak in English please."

"Ofcourse yuh likkle white self wouldn't understand shit. I asked if you have Wray and Nephew White Rum" Amira rolled her eyes while translating her earlier statement.

Oblivious to her blatant insult the bartender gave her a quick nod, providing an answer to her question.

"Alright, give me 5 shots a it deh fimme"

Understanding most of her statement he went on to prepare what she requested silently wondering why she would request that much shots for such a strong liquor.

While waiting for her drink, Amira was left with her thoughts and the main reason as to why she was at a club tonight. Growing up she wasn't the luckiest person. Amira had to struggle with the weight of a toxic household, insecurities, bullies and the pressures of being a black immigrant teenage girl in America. She thought that moving to America would be a fresh start for her, only to be disappointed by all the struggles she had to face.

Now standing as a 24 year old woman who's battling personal demons, mental health issues, breakups, unemployment and the many other disappointments in life, she was tired. She wanted it all to just end. So here she was, having one last moment of 'fun' before she decides to take her own life.

"Here you go miss" quickly snapping Amira out of her thoughts, she thanked the bartender and placed the very last of what she had in her pockets on the counter.

Swiftly downing all the shots she had ordered, Amira was just starting to feel the alcohol in her system along with the intense feeling of her being high.

Now feeling carefree and numb to all the pain the world had to offer, she made her way to the dance floor whining her hips to the music and oblivious to the dark eyes that took note of her every move.


Trapped in the trance of the tall, beautiful and voluptuous woman that seemed to catch his eye, Alexei was interested.

Never in his twenty eight years of living has he ever seen someone so enticing, so attractive. She caught his attention, something which is very hard to achieve. This beautiful vixen who stood in the middle of the dance floor in nothing but a mini blue dress that clung to her shapely body.

He wanted her, in many ways that one. There was just something about this girl that had the wheels in his head turning.

Quickly realizing he was consumed by his thoughts he shifted his eye back unto the dancefloor below only to find the beautiful young woman missing.

Roaming his eyes around the club, he saw no trace of the woman.

Alexei turned to the bodyguards who stood close by, ordering them to search for the mysterious beauty.

Still on edge, he stood by the railing of the VIP section serving as lookout just in case the beauty decided to reappear.


Swaying from side to side, Amira finally made her way into the ladies bathroom located inside the club. She pushed pass the many women who were present and found herself in a vacant stall.

Opening the small purse she had on her arm, she took the bottle of pills that she had brought with her and downed half the bottle.

She stumbled outside of the bathroom and back into the swarm of sweaty bodies patiently waiting on the pills to take a toll on her body.

Glancing at the dance floor once more, Alexei met the dark eyes of the woman who was able to put him ina a trance. Alerting the guards that he had found her, he made his way towards her.

As he reached to the place that she now stood, he realized the far gone look that she held in her eyes. As she was about to trip, almost falling to the floor he caught her in his arms ; quite alarmed at her sudden behaviour. Now noticing her eyes rolling to the back of her head and her mumbling gibberish, she was a cause for concern.

Assuming that her drink was spiked, he signaled for his guards to get his car and to bring it out to the front of the club. Lifting the now limp mysterious woman in his arms he carried her outside to his car and asked the driver to bring him to his personal hospital.

The girl in his arms was now slipping in and out of consciousness, quietly mumbling to herself causing him to be worried. Saving someone from being hurt was very abnormal for him. Normally he'd be the one who's inflicting pain upon his victim.

Not sure what to do to try to keep her awake, he decided to ask her questions to keep her occupied.

"What's your name" he asked.

"Amari, Amari Whithers" she whispered, allowing the faintness of her accent to slip through.



"Do you know what happened to you?"

"Let me go," mumbling under her breath, she closed her eyes,"just let me die, it's no fucking use."

Not sure what to say, he brought his focus to the road hoping they arrive at the hospital very soon.


Pulling up to the hospital, Alexei rushed inside with the woman in his arms calling for the help of his doctors.

Nurses came rushing out with a bed carefully rolling her into a vacant room in the hospital. Getting her situated, the doctors rushed into the room quickly trying to aid the woman who was now frothing at the mouth.

While sitting in the waiting room, Alexei was now surrounded by thoughts of confusion and concern.

Confused at the fact that he was so determined to help a woman he didn't know.

Concerned for the mysterious woman's health and well-being.

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