Fragile Love's Burst

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Once a bubble, brimming with love's delight,
Floating in the air, radiant and bright.
A fragile vessel, filled with love's might,
Yearning to reach the one, in soul's flight.

Caressed by whispers of passion's breeze,
Moments suspended, with heartfelt ease.
But alas, fate intervened with unease,
A burst of pain, love's fragile release.

Oh, how it soared, buoyed by affection's grace,
Holding dreams and hopes within its embrace.
Yet, time's cruel touch brought about its trace,
Love's bubble burst, leaving an empty space.

Now scattered fragments, remnants of love's quest,
Drifting away, lost to the wind's behest.
Though the bubble burst, love's flame won't rest,
In hearts it lingers, a love that's blessed.

Hello ppl
Hope you like itt
Lemme know through ur comments
Happy weekend 🎉

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