இனிய தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்- Happy Diwali 🪔

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In the glow of Diwali's light, 

A festival of joy so bright. 

With lamps aglow and colors gay, 

We welcome the auspicious day.

Amidst the laughter, love, and cheer, 

The festival of lights draws near. 

A time to celebrate, to share, 

To show compassion, love, and care.

But in the midst of joy, beware, 

For crackers in the midnight air. 

A spectacle of sparks ignite, 

Yet, in their wake, a darker plight.

The air is filled with echoes loud, 

Of crackers bursting in the crowd. 

The night aglow, a fleeting show, 

But consequences begin to grow.

Oh, the dichotomy we face, 

As Diwali brings both love and grace. 

Yet, crackers paint the night with smoke, 

A stark reminder, hearts provoke.

In little Tamil words, we find, 

The essence of this complex bind. 

இனிய தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்,

Wishing joy, yet mindful still.

As the crackers light the sky, 

Consider the earth, the birds that fly. 

Let's seek a balance, a mindful play, 

Preserve the joy, and not dismay.

For Diwali's light is pure and true, 

A celebration for me and you. 

Let's embrace the warmth it brings, 

Without the harm that firework flings.


இனிய தீபாவளி நல்வாழ்த்துக்கள்!! 🪔🪔

Happiest Diwali to each and everyone of you and your family!!🪔🪔

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