The first time you called my name

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The first time you called my name, a spark ignited within,
A connection so profound, a journey to begin.
The very first time we spoke, your voice like a gentle breeze,
Unfamiliar yet comforting, putting my heart at ease.

The moment you touched my cheeks, emotions stirred so deep,
Butterflies in my tummy, my secret they do keep.
I felt like I was reborn, a new world to explore,
Yet the reality is complex, emotions at war.

Knowing you're in a relationship, my heart can't help but ache,
A bittersweet realization, a path I can't forsake.
Should I be happy for what happened, for the love we briefly knew?
Or should I try to move on, and find my own breakthrough?

It's not easy to decide, for feelings are not confined,
But I must prioritize my heart, seek peace of mind.
I'll cherish the memories we created, the moments we shared,
Yet find the strength to let go, and show myself I truly cared.

Though our paths may now diverge, a part of me will hold,
The magic of our encounter, the story that unfolds.
In time, I'll heal and find the happiness meant for me,
With gratitude for the love we had, I'll set my heart free.

For the first time you called my name, a chapter did begin,
And though it may have ended, the journey lives within.
With hope and strength, I'll embrace the lessons learned,
Knowing love's journey continues, and new horizons will be earned.

Hello ppl
Hope you like itt
Lemme know through ur comments
Happy weekend 🎉

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