Oliver's Nightmare

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Oliver is a great western engine. Years ago, he was sent to be scrapped along with his coach Isabel and his brakevan Toad. One day, after a long day dealing with noisy trucks, Oliver returned back to his shed, ready for a well-deserved rest. After saying good night to each other, all three of them fell asleep. Oliver usually has been having good dreams since he was saved from scrap all those years ago by Douglas. But, tonight, the dream was.... different than usual. Oliver was in the scrap yard. Isabel and Toad had already been scrapped. Before they were scrapped, Oliver watched as Toad and Isabel were taken away from him. All he could remember was the screams of his two friends as they were slowly taken apart piece by piece, until... the screaming had stopped, and all Oliver could hear was silence. Oliver knew that he couldn't have saved his friends even if he wanted to. He had no coal or water, not to mention that the yard manager was keeping a very close eye on Oliver after all of the escape attempts he made. Oliver then heard a sound that made his wheels wobble in fear. The noise was a diesel, making their way towards Oliver. Soon, he felt the diesel buffer up behind him. The diesel started pushing him to where he would be scrapped. Oliver tried to scream for help, but no words came out of his mouth. He was placed under the giant metal claw. The claw started to lower down to Oliver and grabbed him. As the claw grabbed him, Oliver woke up screaming. Oliver's screaming woke up the others.

"Everything ok, Oliver?" Asked Duck.

"Your screaming made my wheels wobble!" Said Douglas, still shaken from Oliver's screaming.

"And it ruined my sleep!" Snapped Donald.

"I'm alright..." Oliver said as he took a deep breath. "I just had a nightmare, now go back to sleep".

Everyone went back to sleep except Toad and Isabel.

"I'm worried about Mr. Oliver, Miss Isabel" Toad said, concerned for Oliver.

"Oliver will be fine, Toad" Isabel said calmly. "He just had a nightmare, that's all".

Toad and Isable went back to sleep.

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