The Scrap Yard

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The next morning, The Fat Controller came to see the four engines.

"Duck, you, Donald, and Douglas must collect must collect stone from the quarry to help build a new and improve harbor. " The Fat Controller said.

"Yes, Sir!". All of them said in unison.

The Fat Controller then turned to Oliver.

"Oliver, you must go to the scrap yard and do some shunting. There are a lot of trucks there, so it will take you all day and most of the night. " The Fat Controller said to Oliver.

Fear had appeared on Oliver's face.

"B-but sir! I-I can't go back there! W-what if they scrap me?!". Oliver said with a scared voice.

"Really useful engines don't argue." The Fat Controller said sternly.

"Yes, sir...." Oliver said as he puffed away sadly.

Oliver arrived at the scrap yard. The Fat Controller was right. There were a lot of trucks to be shunned. Oliver wanted to leave the scrap yard quickly, so he started working straight away. Oliver spent hours and hours pulling and pushing the trucks into their proper place, but when it turned to midnight, he had finished the work.

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