The discovery and rescue of a steam engine

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Oliver stopped to take a very long drink. He then heard a weeeshing noise that made him gasp.

"That sounds like a steam engine..." Oliver told his driver.

"Hello? Is someone there?" The voice asked.

"Yes, I'm Oliver, and I'm from the Fat Controller's railway." Oliver said quietly.

"I heard of that place. it's a safe haven for steam engine." Said the voice.

Oliver moved a row of vans he had shunted earlier and revealed a very rusted saddle tank engine who looked related to Percy.

The engine smiled at Oliver.

"My name is Chase." said the engine.

"What are you doing her?" Asked Oliver.

"Waiting." Said Chase.

"Waiting for what?" Asked Oliver.

"To be scrapped..." Chase said as his smile turned into a frown.

Oliver's eyes widened, and then he took a deep breath. He puffed in front of Chase. Oliver's driver, then coupled Chase to Oliver.

Chase looked confused. "What are you doing?"

Oliver smiled. "Helping you escape, that what."

Chase smiled from buffer to buffer. "Y-you would fo that for me?"

"Of course, I was once in your position, and now I think that it's time that I return the favor. Now let's not waste any more time!"

"I couldn't agree more, Oliver!" Chase said happily.

The two engines set off but were stopped by the yard manager.

"Now, where are you taking him?" Asked the manager.

"To be scrapped, by the order of the Fat Controller." Oliver's driver told the manager.

"I see.... the scrap claw will be on the next right." The manager told the driver.

"Thanks, mate." The driver said as they continued.

When they got to the turn, Oliver took a left instead, which led to sodor.

"Thank you for saving me." Chase said happily.

"Anything for a fellow steam." Oliver said happily back.

It took them until morning toget back, and Oliver left Chase in a siding.

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