Chapter 1: Challenge Accepted

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Chapter 1: Challege Accepted

 Amelia Celeste Adelaide                                                                                  Aldbridge Police Department

 "Congratulations Miss Adelaide! Welcome to the force."

That's probably the best combination of words I have ever heard in my life. Well, aside from 'You've solved the case' anyway.

I bit the inside of my lip to keep from squealing with joy. The thought of finally getting out of that hell hole is more than enough to almost bring me to tears. Landing a job as a detective in the ever famous, crime-busting team of the Aldbridge Police Department is a bonus and sweet dream.

I shook the rough, tanned hand of the tall, burly man in front of me. "Thank you for this honor to serve, Chief. I'll do my very best to bring the wrong-doers to justice, Sir" I said to him in all seriousness.

Instead of receiving strict orders and a grim nod that would convey the degree of importance of my job, he just tilted his head and smirked at me. "You really are a serious one, aren't you? Well, we'll have none of that here."

I was slightly taken aback by his response. Not be serious? What else could I be other than serious? For Pete's sake! I'm officially working at the prime police agency in Aldbridge! Every civilian expect great things from its officers and if I'm a major goofball who doesn't take her job seriously I could get fired even before I get my hands on a crime scene.

I guess the look on my face gave away my thoughts since Chief Peters chuckled lightly and gave me an amused look. I must say, even though smiling makes him look younger, I still don't appreciate being laughed at by my lack of understanding the situation, whatever it seems to be at the moment.

Finally, I gave in and asked, "If I may know, Sir, what is there not to be serious about? We're working as dedicated officers for the sake of the peace in this community, correct? If we were to take everything so lightly won't they think that we don't take our jobs seriously?"

He sighed, still smiling as he shook his head that reflected the lights overhead, "I think you've misunderstood what I said, Miss Adelaide. We do take our jobs very seriously. It is our top priority to keep every civilian safe and far away from harm. I simply meant that when we are at the station, we treat each other as family; there is no need to be too polite. We are all equals here whether or not my rank surpasses yours. So, I suggest that you drop the 'sirs' or 'ma’am’s' when talking with your fellow officers or everybody will start to tease you with silly names."

This time, I nodded my understanding and grinned back at him. Chief Anthony Peters is definitely the type of person you could trust very easily. At first glance, I was intimidated of him; he seemed to be a person who could tackle ten men by himself.  It still seems likely to happen but I'm certain he wouldn't do that to any of the officers who know their place. I shrugged, "Then, I am now part of the most bad ass 'family' in the city. I'm still not so sure if I would be able to drop the 'sirs' that easily though."

He began to laugh heartily and patted me gently on the back, "I've warned you so don't expect me to save you from their jests," he said after his laughter simmered down. He then proceeded to give me a mini tour of the station, taking hold of my elbow and guiding me through the busy halls.

The station was quite huge. It was comprised of at least twenty rooms, most of which are separate offices. Included in this number are three large interrogation rooms and a pristine white kitchen that was connected to the lounge. There was also a large fenced field at the back of the department where the K-9 officers train police dogs.

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