Chapter 4: Partner Disharmony

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Chapter 4: Partner Disharmony

Robert Leighton Clifford                                                                                       Chief Anthony Peters' Office                                                                       Aldbridge Police Department                                                                                   A few minutes ago

I sat down at the chair nearest the Chief's desk, anxiously waiting for what he was about to say. I tried my best to keep myself from squirming on my seat under his steely gaze. The ticking of the clock seemed to be amplified ten times and it felt like forever before he spoke.

"I want to talk to you about your current job performance, Robert. It's not going as smoothly as I had hoped," he started as he gathered all the papers on his desk and put them aside.

I knew that he was going to open this topic but I still raised an eyebrow, "I just solved a case a month ago."

"That you did," his smile was quickly replaced by a frown, "Unfortunately, that case stretched on for months because you were in a slump and couldn't find any clues. And when you did, it struck us all as extremely obvious that we couldn't believe you missed it. I don't want that to happen again with this case."

"It won't. I was just...distracted." Somehow my voice died down at the very end and my excuse didn't sound very convincing.

"It's that time of the year again, huh? Her death anniversary is nearing, isn't it?"

I closed my eyes and let out a deep sigh. Not this again. Why can't they forget about it? Why do they keep on reminding me about the biggest mistake of my life? "Anthony, please, let's not talk about this."

As if he did not hear me, he continued, "How are things faring, Robert?"

"Things are going fine, Tony. Nothing to worry about," I grumbled.

He nodded twice and folded his hands on his desk, "That's good. How are Anna's parents doing? Did you go visit them?"

I am starting to resent where this conversation is going, "I haven't visited them since but I believe they're doing just fine without me."

"Don't you think it’s about time to go back? Three years is an awfully long time, Robert!" he asked as he started to stare me down once again.

I didn't answer him. I didn't want to. After everything that has happened, he knows that I can never go back and face anyone from that part of town.

He sighed and rubbed his forehead, "Robert..."

I quickly cut him off, my temper starting to flare, "You can't force me, Peters. Just let it go already."

"Robert, it wasn't your fault in the first place. You weren't there when it happened and nobody can blame you for that," he reasoned.

Something in me just broke and before I could stop it, my memories took me back to that exact day three years ago. I wasn't there to protect her. She would still be here if I wasn't stupid enough to ignore the warnings. Eveyone was right, it is my entire fault.

No matter how painful it was, I couldn't get myself to grieve when I lost her. I felt numb. And after three damned years, I still felt the same.

And because of this, everybody thought I was a heartless jerk that didn't care about her.

The Chief's voice brought me back from my musings, "I'm sure they understand that now."

I could feel my blood start to simmer and I felt the need to hit something. Instead, I gripped the chairs' armrest until my knuckles turned white, "No, they don't. They never did."

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