The Mohawk

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I open my eyes

SOPHIE: What about you Lina, any plans this weekend?

Where am I now? Why are Sophie and Julia in my dream?

I look around
I know this road; we are in my neighborhood

I look at my watch, it's 6.40 pm. I must be on my way back from work

I look at them
Please let it be a good dream

Why is Sophie looking at me like that though?

Oh yes, the question
What was it again?

Right, my plans this weekend! ... Quick, make something up

ME: Oh I don't know, probably just chill, go for a walk maybe.
JULIA: You should go and check out this new coffee place that just opened near Thomas Park.

I am not sure about any Thomas Park, but ok

JULIA: My boyfriend went the other day, and he said that their matcha cake is to die for.
ME: Yes but I still hate matcha Julia, remember?

Geez girl, how many times do I have to tell you

JULIA: Yes, and I still think that you should give it another try.
SOPHIE: I think that matcha tastes like medicine.
ME: Well, I am definitely not going to waste my weekend going to a coffee shop anyway. Sorry.

But not sorry

I have more precious things to do

Where is Julia?
I look around and she's gone, only Sophie is left. And she doesn't seem to notice

ME: Sophie, where is Julia?
SOPHIE: What do you mean?
ME: Julia, she was just there!
ME: Seriously?

She doesn't seem to understand

SOPHIE: I don't understand.

What was that?!
I look around when Sophie takes me by the arm and pulls me behind a bush

SOPHIE: Get down Lina.

What is going on now?

ME: What is going on?

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