Getting that dress back

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I open my eyes

I am in New York
I look at my watch
I look on my right, I see Molly and Tom
I look on my left, I see Sophie

We are walking

MOLLY: So, Julian and the others are already at the party, and I heard that Claire is going to be there as well. With her new boyfriend. Oh, I can't wait to see what he looks like.
TOM: God I hate Claire.
ME: Me too.
SOPHIE: Me three.

I laugh

MOLLY: Oh no! Now come on guys, Claire is a nice person.
TOM: We are not saying she isn't.
SOPHIE: No, it has nothing to do with her being nice or mean. It's just...
ME: We just don't like her.
TOM: Yeah no, we hate her.

We all laugh 

TOM: Hey Lina, isn't that the hotel where you were staying last month?

We all look in that direction
I see a giant hotel
Super fancy
Way too fancy
Did I really stay in that kind of hotel last month?

ME: Wait, did I?

They all look at me

Now I remember
I did

ME: Oh yeah, I did.
SOPHIE: That's a fancy-ass hotel, Lina. Lucky you.
MOLLY: But is it not where you left that green dress of yours? You know, the one you were supposed to wear tonight.

I look at what I am wearing
Tee-shirt and jeans
I roll my eyes
What an ugly outfit for a party

I look at my feet
Oh man, am I wearing flip-flops? 

ME: Dude, seriously, in what world am I wearing flip-flops?
MOLLY: I didn't want to say it but...
ME: This is a disgrace.
SOPHIE: Your words, not ours.

Ugh, shut up Sophie
I stop 

ME: Ok, there is no way I am making two more steps with those on.

I remove the flip-flops and throw them in the nearest bin 

This is a nightmare
I look at the hotel
Molly looks at me 

ME: I have to go back in. Get that dress back.
MOLLY: And your shoes. You probably left your shoes too.
ME: I probably surely left them too, yes. Thank you, Molly. And I shall go get them back while I am here, you know.
TOM: But what about the party?
ME: There can be no party until I am properly dressed alright?
SOPHIE: But Claire...
ME: Ugh, shut up Sophie.

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