The journey

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I open my eyes

I am in an elevator

A very, very, extremely tight elevator
Like a one-person elevator

I move to the side

Or maybe two-person

Still very tight

I look at the walls and all I see are donkeys
Donkey wallpaper, never saw that in an elevator before, but I am not complaining. Donkeys are cute

I look at the door and there is a small red button on the side

Like any other human being, my first thought is to press that button
But should I really, though?
What if I don't?

I look at the ceiling
More donkeys

I wait and I realize that no answers will be given to me by the ceiling

I look at the wall on my right, then on my left
I shrug my shoulders and decide to press that button

I press it

The doors open and a woman enters

She is now standing next to me, her shoulder touching mine


Yup, super tight, two-person, elevator

She smiles at me

KATE: A good morning to you Lina.
ME: A good morning to you too...

So, she knows me

ME: Do I know you?
KATE: I am your neighbor, Kate.
ME: Right. Neighbor. Kate


I look at the ceiling again

WOMAN: So, which floor are we going to today?

I look at her

ME: What do you mean which floor? I thought we were neighbors.
WOMAN: Of course, we are. But which floor do we live on?
ME: Well, there is only one button so...

I look at the red button

I was wrong

There are now 4 of them

I look at her and smile
I look at the buttons again... So many of them

Well, if I really live here, which I am not 100% sure yet, I guess my finger should be automatically drawn to the right one... right?

Makes sense

I close my eyes and raise my hand to press a button, any button

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