Waking Up is Painful

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Raven woke up in the Stygian iron box,the usual.Her clothes were in tatters.She hoped Mystery got her letter,took her and Raven's students and headed west.She pounded on the wall."Sky!I'm up.Get in here."She groaned.She heard a sigh,and she appeared.Raven sat on the ground on her knees.Sky put a black bandana over her eyes."I hope you're ready,this early in the night."Sky said,smirking.Raven sighed,and ran her hand in her long black hair."I'm all about pain.Bring it at me."Raven snarled.I hope Mystery isn't going to be a hero,and try to save me,Raven groggily thought.Maybe things will be better if she died,she thought.No.Sky's getting in her brain.
Raven felt something lash on her back.A whip,probably.She screamed in agony.Her ears rang.She get something dripping off her face."Blood."Sky said brightly,as if she were reading Raven's thoughts.Sky gasped ."Mystery and the students are going in her tardis!You know what that means?"She asked. Raven growled."That you continue
beating ME not her,"Raven growled.
Sky laughed with no humor."No,I get
to make a video and send it to her."She
said."Don't you dare,"Raven snarled.
She heard a video record."Too late,"
Sky said,and she turned into a shadow wolverine.

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