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Raven sat silently in her dorm.She waited,expecting Myst to come in soon. Instead,a vampire jumped through the window,tackled Raven,and not her neck.Raven got so pissed (You wouldn't want to be around when she reaches the major level of being pissed),she punched a hole in its head.She looked in the mirror.Dead pale.Two vampire fangs sticking out of her lips.She sighed."Great.Just great."She grumbled.She put black jeans,black Bobs (The shoes.Doy),black t-shirt, aviators jacket,and a black bandana over her mouth and nose on.She took scissors and cut her black hair evenly by her shoulders.She stuffed her staff, books about Death Magic,and some other shit in a black backpack.She took a knife and raised it.With a single slice, she cut her giant black wings off. Painful,but won't kill her.Then she heard her friends walk in.

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