My valentine : My Belly

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Valentines day Conrad's pov

I was in my mathematics class and it's valentines day. Belly and I didn't talk about it but I wanted to see her. She and my mom are pretty much all I think about. We call and face time but it's not the same. I miss her. I miss the was her eyes light up whenever she sees me and how she can make me laugh with just a look. And how she smell like ivory soap- my remanicing was cut short by my professer saying my name.
" Conrad Fisher ! Were you listeneing ?"
" Yes" I lied. Then I went back to taking notes but I was still thinking of Belly. My Belly.
The rest of the day was like that as I rushed from class to class. As soon as I got to my dorm, I got a box of twinkies and made hot coco. And whent to my car and started to drive. I didn't want to admit this to my self but I love belly. I could barely admit this to myself much less anyone else. Including Belly.
Mom is getting better and I've finally got to have some hope. And Belly... she just makes everything better. She makes me hope for the better.

When I got to Belly's house I texted her to say I was here. I knew she'd be suprised to see me. And hopefully not too busy.

As she ran out of the house I couldn't help but smile as my eyes laid over her beautiful self. She hugged me and I felt myself doing the same. Her smile was all bellied in all the right ways.
I led her to the blanket, twinkies, and coco I had. As we watched the stars together.
We talked about life and the old stories about the stars. Having Belly so close to me was amazing. I couldn't stop smiling. And I didn't want to. I couldn't believe that little annoying girl I knew came to be the the girl I adore most. Belly was a good listener; she even pretended to be intrested while I talked.
  The video calls and talk on the phone had nothing on this Belly. The real belly.
I felt her shiver and I got worried. " Do you want to go inside ?". But of course she didn't. I gave her the coco. And she was still smiling. I loved her smile it was so childish.
Then I felt a sudden urge to let her know how I felt about her for once. I wasn't going to tell her I loved; I was going to tell her a bit of my feeling for her. But she know me as well to read deep into it.
"Belly, I don't think I'll ever trust another girl the way I trust you". I wasn't looking at her when I said it. But she was looking at me with some kind of awe. I wish this moment could last forever.
I felt a sense of peace wash over me; it has been a while since I've felt relaxed. If we moved closer we'd be kissing but it was enough just to be in her presence. To be her sun. To be the center of her world.
When we finally got up she said " this is one of my top moments"
"mine too" I answered. And it is. It was the moment without a doubt that I love Isabel Conklin and that I'll always love her.
With her the pain faded. My mom was ok. She wasn't dying and their was no one else but us.
No Lurel, No Steven, No Jeremiah,  No Susannah. It was only us for now.
I know this chapter was short but the Valentines day chapter in the book was short too so...
Can you all give me ideas on what I should do next ?

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