Part 7

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Production seems to get some kind of sadistic pleasure out of scheduling the next challenge at the ass crack of dawn the morning after the sEXy slumber party.

At breakfast, the production assistants ironically tout the importance of hydration to the hungover cast, warning that today's challenge will be no cakewalk — the first physically intense challenge intended to weed out the teams that stand no chance of making it through the extremely demanding final at the end of the season.

When they arrive on site, the host explains the 'Don't Forget About Me' challenge, "Each team will have to solve a memory puzzle while hiking up and down this mountain. First, one team member will lift a 300-pound steel door out of the sand that is connected to a rope for as long as they can. Under the steel door is an answer key that contains various colors of squares and rectangles, which their partner will have to memorize. Once they've memorized as much as possible or their partner is no longer able to hold up the steel door, each pair will have to hike up the mountain with the bag containing their puzzle pieces to their designated puzzle station. Each team will repeat this process until they complete their puzzle correctly. The first team to finish wins the title of Power Couple and will determine the fate of the four bottom teams instead of a Vote Out this round. Three teams will be going home today. If you can't cut it here, you won't be able to cut it in my final, so might as well go home now."

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Surprised murmurs fill the air, as the contestants process that today's event will eliminate three teams rather than just one

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Surprised murmurs fill the air, as the contestants process that today's event will eliminate three teams rather than just one.

Lucy glances at Tim with concern, but he beams back at her with an irritating amount of confidence. "Even better — we can knock out three teams in a purely physical competition. Come on, Chen. Where's that competitive edge?"

Lucy is hardly averse to physical activity — be it yoga or pilates or boxing or the weight room, and though it may not be her favorite way to pass the time, she's hardly a slouch when it comes to physical fitness. She's even a pretty fantastic swimmer, which she knows will give her a major advantage in the competition, based on what she's seen in prior seasons.

But her least favorite physical activity is most definitely running. Only topped by running uphill. Which, in turn, is only topped by running uphill while hungover.

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