Chapter 4

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A/N: The village up top is going to be a reference to the village that Takumi's digimon had built when he was in a coma.)

After Takumi got on Levitans head Levitan started to head towards the lake that he had emerged from where they will be heading across to go to the village which had been named Peace Valley by Rose (Rosemon: was one of Takumi's first digimon that he captured with Saintgalgomon and HiAndromon being the other two first digimon he got). "So how's your new body since well it had to be rebuilt with memories of you and whatever else Kyoko used?" Levitan asks 'Well for one thing for sure it is going to be hard to get used to again but I am sure it will be fine.' answered Takumi 'though I think I have to do serious training if I want to keep up with you guys again and I also want to do more than be on the sideline.' "Mmm...Well don't overdo it on the training. But are you sure you have to fight with us knowing that you are far and safe keeps us at ease and makes us focus more on the fight?" with what Levitan had said in the air Takumi thought about until his thoughts were interrupted "Anyways where here welcome to Peace Valley kid." As Levitan nears the beach Takumi and Levitan are greeted by Takumi's first digimon partners Rose, Saint (Saintgalgomon), and Andro (HiAndromon). "Takumi! Thank Yggdrasil you're okay." exclaims Rose as Saint and Andro smile on as they watch Takumi and Levitan approach the shore and Rose running up to them to hug Takumi close.

Takumi POV: As Rose hugged me I patted her back as a way to say it's okay and that I had missed her too. When she let me go I looked at the other two standing behind her 'Hey guys! I hope you guys are doing okay?' I signed with happiness and eagerness. The two had nodded as a way to say hello and that they were doing fine even if it was just a nod. I knew what they were saying either way even if they rarely talk. Usually Rose did the talking for them. "Well let's get into town or village, we haven't really decided on if it was a town or a village yet." Rose explained to me. So we all started walking into town except Levitan. He decided to go back to the lake and tell the aquatic-like digimon that I was awake and doing okay. As we made it to the center of the town, Saint decided to launch his burst shot that had exploded as a firework and soon I heard everyone running towards where we were. When everyone came into view I saw most of them in their rookie forms champion's or ultimate's while only a few of them stayed in their mega forms and as I saw this I thought it was because either they were too big in certain forms or they just prefer those forms better than the others.

As everyone made it to the certain town after getting the signal that Takumi was here by Saint. When everyone was there they saw Takumi there with a basket of digieggs in his arms and for a while they stood there silent not saying anything until someone spoke up "TAKUMI!" a low feminine voice yelled in anger. When everyone heard that voice they all spread out that they made a pathway for them as she came marching down with a fierce look that Takumi knew all to well and was scared shitless, their name was Midnight (ChaosDukemon) "I hope your fucking happy you bastard!" she screeches with anger but Takumi knows that this was her way of expressing how she felt and allowed her to rant of all her worries and the others worries as well as her eyes started to shimmer but no tears felled made Takumi feel bad but knew to wait this out before he could say anything.

Takumi POV: As I allowed Midnight to yell her heart out I grew worried that I had caused such despair in my digimon partners no not partners they are my family. "Huh..huh.." Midnight huffs exhausted by all the yelling she gave me "Anyways what is with the basket of digieggs for brat?" she asked and when the basket was mentioned everyone immediately looked my way. As I put the basket down in order to explain to all of them why they were here 'Oh! These guys are the remaining Royal Knights that we dealt with. I thought that I would save them even if they weren't good towards us or to other people. I decided I wanted to give them a second chance and show them that we humans are not all bad as they believe we were.' I explain with my face expressing my sincereness. "Oh Yggdrasil what are we going to do with you y-you damn idiot." Midnight says as she holds her head with her hand sighing with what a mother would sound when they hear their child explain something so stupid "You know what let's not worry about that now we should give you a tour around this place so that you can get used to it. So come on Takumi walk with me and tell me everything that you might need and let me know if there is anything you want to know since you have been in a coma for a while might as well catch up now then never." She says as she turns to walk further into the town and so I picked up the basket of digieggs and started following her as I passed the others I heard them say "good to see you." "Hope we can talk soon." and some other things about missing me and that many wanted to talk to me to see how I am doing and just to catch up on everything with me on what they had been doing. When I was almost out of the center of the town everyone started to disperse and headed in different directions and as I caught up to Midnight I thought to myself what has changed amongst my family.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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