Chapter 3

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Ivarsen's Point Of View: I saw in frustration as I walk into my home and see that Gunner is still just sitting on the couch texting I quickly walk over snatching the phone which he instantly reacts by standing up and holding out his hand for his phone," what the hell dude?!" He starts to protest but I quickly cut him off," Your fight tonight could've gone incredibly different if I couldn't step in remember that you would be in a jail cell if you weren't who you were remember that this is on confiscation!" I see in frustration as I put his phone in my back pocket the kid gives me a headache and a heart attack at the same time that shouldn't be possible! He was my responsibility tonight I told him no fighting I told him to stay close.," You can't do that you're not dad!" Gunner says in frustration before I hear familiar footsteps and a familiar voice," Who's idea do you think it was the confiscate the phone tonight could've gone south tonight could've gone worse than what it was your lucky four found you when he did!" Dad says before we all freeze as we hear small steps from behind him we all turn around and my face just instantly softens at the side of my mother we must've woken her up with all the shouting...damn it," your brother and dad is right to do you not know what could've happened to you if Rika didn't spill the story I suggest you go to your room and think long and hard about what life would be like if your last name wasn't Torrance." Echo park before gunner ratatouille's room probably finally mad at himself it takes a lot for Mom to get this angry. I'm shaking out of my days by my dad," who is the pretty Burnett out front with Tavi?" I spoke softly as I playfully roll my eyes as I see the playful smirk playing on my dad's lips he has got to be kidding me," you were eavesdropping?" I say chuckling before I feel my mom hug me I instantly kiss my mom's head before replying," Amelia's big sister the little girl that Octavia was babysitting tonight her name is Camellia I think. I mean we only hear people call her lia." I explain Dad smirks before taking Mom's hand," She seems nice but I'm confused it's pretty warm outside what's with the long sleeves?" The minute my dad says something I think about it too and now that I think about it in the last four years I have never seen her wear anything but long sleeves not even a dress always pants...weird. I'll figure it out tomorrow.

(the next day at school)

"be nice to miss Vaughn!" I shall tell Connor as he walks into his new AP English class the kid is smart all he needs is a little push and I hear Miss Madelaine is one of the best pretty young for a teacher she's new to the school this year but everybody saying she's cool and fun. I sigh as four jumps in front of me wearing Uncle Will's devil's night mask trying to scare me I roll my eyes before snatching the mask off," Your parents are gonna kill you we never touch these unless it's October have you lost your mind?" I kiss as I open my locker Four pouts as he puts the mask in his locker, "My god joy kill... What's wrong with you did the infamous Ivar not get laid last night?" Four teases before I harshly pat his shoulder before tapping my nose as if to say bingo meaning he was right," Wait I'm right? You got rejected?!" I chuckle at his assumption of me getting rejected yeah like that ever happens," No I got distracted by a gunner that kid cannot stay out of a fight." I see with gritted teeth," I thought you went with Brenna to meet her friend in the green top." Will sees his face covered in confusion I squirt my eyebrows together as I grab my Spanish book for my locker," Mikayla? No, I went for the girl in sweats but cute Latino I want her." I clarify for grins before tilting his head at me," I thought the girl's name was Miranda... And if you're talking about Alverez your chances were her about as high as my chances with Octavia zero." I narrow my eyes as he tries to make a joke that's not funny my sister hasn't even started high school yet but I've seen boys looking oh yeah there's no way in the world Vendor Big is getting a piece out of my pure innocent little sister.," we'll see about that." I say as I noticed her down the hall grabbing her books from out of her locker while talking to Brenna I can't help but watch her full lips move I can't hear what she saying but my eyes trail to her long brown hair and her beautiful eyes...fuck I want her," wanna put money into it? I bet you 300 but you can't get a date with her let's say by next month." I smirk as I shake my best friend's hand," deal. But don't get mad when aunt em asks you why you took 300 out of your funds." I tease

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