Chapter 9

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(later on)

Lia's Point Of View: I can't help but gawk at the Torrance mansion as Ivarsen parks in front of his garage. I slowly get out and then go to get Amelia who fell asleep in the backseat," I got her ." Iversen says as he quickly scoops her into his arms I can't help but smile at the adorable sight ...he's so sweet and gentle with her's as if the person he is in school doesn't exist, "thank you for letting us stay the night Ivar -." I start to say as we enter the mansion but I am quickly cut off by Ivar...he needs to stop doing that," who said this is just for tonight? " I raise my eyebrows in shock at his sudden outbursts. I am about to reply but he holds up one finger quietly and tells me to keep quiet I furrow  my eyebrows in confusion at the sudden moment of quietness until I hear footsteps or more specifically, the small click of heels against the dark marble tiles of the gorgeous entrance room are heard we turn our heads and I notice two pretty brunette's walking over to us Ivar let's out a breath of relief before chuckling and smiling brightly at the women and girl they looked almost  identical except one was younger, closer to our age and had a more sculpted jaw  and hazel eyes," I thought you guys didn't come in till next week ." Ivar said chuckling I couldn't help but admire the beauty of the girl around our age," who do we have here?" The older woman asks as she examines Amelia. Ivar looks at me with a questioning look I guess asking if he could introduce us. I smile shyly at the woman before nodding softly, "This is my friend Lia and her little sister Amelia they'll be staying for a while." I shake my head instantly there is no way I am letting him do this. We can't just up and disappear that douche will start beating my mom. Just the thought of  it makes my veins fill with rage," the night." I try to correct him but he cuts me off again," A while." Ivar says with furrowed eyebrows, "Two nights at the most." I say trying to negotiate because yes I am tired of arguing, fighting, and getting beat down and worrying about my mom and Mark but I won't take advantage of Iversen and his family, "a few months." Iversen argues. Months?! What does he think is gonna happen we just stop coming home and our mom doesn't start worrying. Mom would go sober for a day just so she could file a missing child order, for the both of us! she's not the best mother but she does still care. I shake my head softly <"Iversen." I argue through gritted teeth getting irritated with his stubbornness, "Carmelia ." He argues back when the two brunettes," Enough!" We both sigh as we look at them I rub my temples pursing my lips together as I look at the older woman," I am so sorry for that I forgot you were standing there Mrs...." I try to recall hearing her name but Iversen never said it she smiles softly, "Khadir...but you can call me Alex..this is my daughter Vanessa."  I smile softly nodding my head now noticing her Mrs. and Mr khadi barely visit it's usually the family visiting them in the Meridian city. Iversen sighs softly," Alex can you lay Amelia down  in the room with Darcy." I got my head softly in agreement not even sure who Darcy is probably one of Alex's kids," of course ." Miss Khadir sees as she gently takes Amelia out of Iversen's arms before walking away," If I walk away are you guys gonna start screaming at each other?" Vanessa ass looking between us with a raised eyebrow I can use in chuckles before bringing her into a close hug and kissing her head as they pull away," I'm not that evil." he claims I can't help but laugh softly unless it chuckles shaking her head," yeah you keep on telling yourself that... So this is your little crush that I've heard so much about?" I raise my eyebrow blushing softly..he talks about me? Wait a second ..., "crush?" I question in pure curiosity.

Iversen's Point Of View: my eyes almost popped out of their sockets as Lia looks up at me with those beautiful innocent brown eyes...Damn It V! Why do you have to open your mouth all the time?! I quickly paint to fix a smile on my face trying not to glare too hard at Vanessa," Anywho! You two look about the same size Vanessa do you mind lending her some pajamas and clothes for tomorrow morning?" I asked softly Vanessa barely wears sweats and I know that Leah would prefer I just grab sweats from Jett's room but you know I'm so over her being ashamed of her body because of with that........asshole did," can't I just borrow some of Jett's  sweats for tomorrow?" I shake my head softly," No more being ashamed of your body you're gorgeous lia... You have a beautiful body you know that right?" I asked her she copes nervously as her cheeks flushed deep pink she looks so cute so innocent....," he's not wrong you know? You're too beautiful to be hiding behind sweats.." Vanessa says with a gentle smile probably examining the light pink sweatsuit that she has on," Not everyone is comfortable showing off their bodies like you and your mom." Lia says  I look at her with wide eyes she must be brave or psycho to say something like that to Vanessa and to add Alex into it you're entering the Red zone I thought Vanessa would look furious but she stayed neutral...huh," I understand that but I also grew up around women you have survived the worse, near-death experiences, betrayal, Secret secretary their lives apart, abandonment, slut-shaming, torment, and yeah abuse from the people that were supposed to take care of them."  I clench my jaw tightly as Vanessa list off everything our moms and aunts have been through I'm surrounded by strong woman I'll never forget it.  And I'll forever respect them Lia looks down as she plays with her fingers nervously with a guilty look written on her face," I didn't know-" she's trying to say but I instantly cut her off," it's OK nobody knows... Why don't you go with V and get comfortable?" I suggest smiling softly finally instead of arguing with me she just knocked her head before following Vanessa away. I smile softly about to head to room 18 here and an all too familiar voice behind me," She seems sweet." I chuckle softly as I turn around to face my dad who was snooping," she is very sweet, honest, innocent." I describe smiling softly at the thought of Lia. My dad chuckles softly as he looks at me," Someone's in love." I shake my head softly when he says that even though I can feel myself slowly falling in love with every part of me knows....," Maybe I am... But she's too good for me." I say softly as I look down my dad tilts his head with a sad smile," yeah... I know the feeling." 

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