Chapter 8

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Iversen's Point Of View: I look over to Lia for the third time as I drive to get Amelia," Where are the bruises from? " I ask as I drive finally asking the million-dollar question I know she's trying to ignore it but she can't ignore it is not something like this this is her safety, "I crashed my bike." She lies through her teeth. She can't for me or brush this off I won't let her," That's a lie you wrecked your bike last year and never replaced it now I'm gonna ask you again and you're gonna answer with the truth, and the whole truth..... Where are the bruises from?" I asked her through gritted teeth getting frustrated why does she have to be so stubborn when someone is trying to help her. Lia scoffs before just glancing at her window I feel my jaw clench before a different question falls off my lips," OK... That's how we're playing....who gave you the bruises." I ask as I stop at a red light before glancing over at her she froze in her spot before looking at me with unshed tears," Thank you for caring but opening my mouth won't change my problem it'll make things worse so please please let this go." she begs I narrow my eyes and fury at her words what is going on who hurt her so bad that she won't even protect herself...protect amelia, "Carmelia  who!" I shout out in frustration finding Lee letting it get to me...What the fuck? The one time I care about someone other than myself and my family the one time I am interested in someone who's as stubborn as a mule and she's as locked as my father's safe and the happiness that I want to see sparks in her eyes........ Was overtaken by sadness and depression she looked drained of energy just by speaking on it," It was our stepdad." She says softly but it's loud enough for me to hear her answer small tears prick in my eyes as I continue to drive," how long." I asked softly looking at her through the mirror she looks down playing with her fingers like she does when she was nervous before answering fearfully," Since Amelia was a baby that was about nine when he first actually hit me." She explains I feel the anger build up in my choice with each word in my mind drifting to one thing," And your mom? Does she know?" I ask softly all lia does is nod her head softly .... What kind of woman just sits there and lets some man be on her children... The minute I think about the world of children my mind drifts to little Amelia what the heck does that monster do to her?  Just a thought we finally make it to The Branson's where Amelia what is already outside and rush to the car Leah quickly got out hugging her tightly... The site just almost melted my heart there is no way in hell I'm letting them go back there. I smile softly as Amelia crossed into the backseat and Leah returned to the passenger seat," Hello darling." I say gritting softly adding Amelia who squeals in and launches herself into my arms I had played with her a little before going out when Octavia was babysitting her I had also snuck her some candy when Octavia said no, "Ivar!" Amelia cheers as she hugs me before crawling back into the backseat and putting on her seatbelt she's so pure... Full of innocence and goodness everything that the world destroys and I would die protecting her innocence, "uhh this isn't the right way to our home." Lia says softly. I smirk softly as I continue to drive to my house," I know." I  reply.

Lia's Point Of View: what is he up to...

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