"Uninvited Guests" 1945/1978 Blood-Shot Parker V.S. Tom and Jerry

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This fan made fnf concept is based on the Tom and Jerry creepypasta FNF Mod, "Tom's Basement Show" for my x Male reader story based on the Mod itself

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This fan made fnf concept is based on the Tom and Jerry creepypasta FNF Mod, "Tom's Basement Show" for my x Male reader story based on the Mod itself.

In this concept, where the original Tom and Jerry were working together on cleaning the whole entire basement that Basement Jerry had hid the dead bodies of his victims in until a couple of "uninvited guests" by the names of 1945/1978 Blood-Shot Parker as they are looking for Y/n that lives in this home but was currently doing some errands with Michael Theodore and Oscar Reynolds aka Freakazoid Mouse and Weirdo Rabbit.

So Tom and Jerry worked together to defeat these two serial killers to keep them away from getting to Y/n if any means necessary.

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