9 - I.V.C. Second Day: Ugly

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"H-Hey..." I stand and start walking back away from Eisuke.

"...." He just glares at me, walking towards me slowly.

A loud announcement goes up from the speakers of the monitor. "Number 100! Please come up to claim your purchase!"

"Go get her." Eisuke looks at Ota and Mamoru.

They quickly leave, masks in hand.

I'm left in the room with the two scariest out of the five. Today was not my day...

"I'm going to add this to your debt." Ichinomiya says before grabbing my wrist tightly.

I flinch a bit before glaring back at him. "I can pay you back."

He lets go and walks to the elevator. "I'll make sure that you'll do so. You're gonna stay here for as long as that takes. Meet me at the entrance. I need to meet Mr.Bucci again."

He leaves and I turn to Soryu. "I don't want to stay here! I'm supposed to fly back to Korea by the end of the I.V.C.-"

"We don't want you talking to the police."

About what? The auctions? That's was the least of my concerns. All I want is to go back to Korea and resume my career as a star.

They don't give a fuck though. They won't trust me no matter what I say, or think.

I don't care if they're doing illegal shit. Hell, even I've done illegal stuff. Hasn't everyone?

I shrug. "Alright." I sit up and go to fix my hair and make up. I was just going to have to go with whatever they were going to throw at me.

At this point, I'm willing to get over with it fast, whatever it is. Just as long as I get my freedom soon.

I hear the elevator from the lounge. I step out of room. Baba and Ota bring her in, she was flinging around and sat down, refusing to move. She had a black bag over her head.

"That was harder than I expected." Baba sighed.

I walk up to her and pull it off. Her light brown eyes fling open at the sound of my voice.

"Hi, Hyuna." I stare down at her. She had cloth around her mouth, preventing her from talking I take it off.

She starts panting. "What's going on? CL unni(older sister)!?"

"Ah. I bought you, well, sort of." I shrug. "How did you get there anyways? They were selling you off. You're a troublemaker....did you do something wrong?"

"I was parking, and this punk bumped into me, dropping some kind of statue. He told me to pay for it but of course, I refused. He was the one who bumped into me..."

She says that after that they captured her and drugged her. When she came to, she was on a stage, being auctioned off.

"Oh?" I laugh. "That's crazy."

I wave at her, "I have to get going now. Goodbye~"


I go down to the first floor. I had kept Eisuke waiting long enough.

Not only that but I wanted to ask about Big Bang, I didn't know what had become of them after I passed out.

I could've asked Soryu, but that guys is not approachable at all. Especially with that little gun of his.

Yeah, not gonna mess with that guy, anymore, at least.

I'm pretty skeptical about what they might do to Hyuna, but all in all, it's really none of my concern.

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