purple rain

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her moans reverberated within the room while she held onto him tightly. With her legs securely wrapped around his waist he slammed his cock into her, their movements became more intense, bringing them both closer to the peak of pleasure. Her body trembled as she approached an overwhelming climax.

Their gazes locked, a hunger evident in his eyes. "Come for me," he whispered, his voice dripping with desire. With another powerful thrust, his hand curled around her throat, exerting a firm but controlled grip, both of them reaching the crest of pleasure.

"I missed you," he murmured softly, placing tender kisses on her neck. A smile lingered on her lips as she basked in the afterglow. He raised his head, their eyes meeting once more. "I missed having my way with you," he confessed, his cock still pulsating inside her.
Her hand entangled in his hair, she noticed how he looked different from the centuries ago when they last met, although ,undeniably more captivating.

"I missed you too, but I have to go," she admitted. "Bold of you to assume I'll let you leave anytime soon," he replied, flashing that familiar, irresistible grin she knew so well. However, she resisted, "As tempting as your offer is, I really need to take care of something."

Kol lingered nearby, observing the blonde as she dressed. His mind wandered back to Davina, the woman he had just envisioned while fucking his old flame.

Years had passed since her tragic death, yet he found himself unable to move on from her memory .

From the balcony, he eyed Seraphina as she climbed into her car, her pretty face betraying a nervous expression. Aware that she was likely up to no good, he decided to bide his time and watch the unfolding drama from the sidelines.


[𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐡, 𝐄𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝟏𝟖𝟎𝟎]

Her attention remained fixed on one of the candles as she playfully ignited it, only to swiftly extinguish the flame. A sense of unease grew within her chest, signaling that something was amiss despite her lingering doubts.

Her apprehensions were proven justified when the hybrid forcefully burst into the room, his white nightshirt stained with blood, a sinister grin etched across his face.

"Your sister was kind enough to invite me into your delightful abode. I would have expressed my gratitude if she were still among the living," he sneered.

Upon hearing his words, the witch desperately made a dash for the door, praying fervently that her sister was alive, hoping his statement was nothing but a bluff.

Yet, he intercepted her with a single arm, his fangs elegantly descending as his once radiant ocean blue eyes transformed into pitch black orbs.

"Did you believe you can conspire against me with my own brother and live?" he growled.

Her thoughts froze as he pressed her against the wall, a twisted look that could be mistaken for desire shadowing his features.

Amidst the shock and terror, she managed to utter a question, her voice quivering, "What have you done to him?"

Once more, he smiled, relishing in the profound terror he had instilled within her. "My treacherous brother now rests in a coffin, decaying within its confines for eternity. Perhaps such a fate will cure him of his habit of betraying me."

As she struggled against his grip, attempting to conjure a spell, he forcefully slammed her head against the wall, shattering her focus.

"Such a beautiful face. It's a shame this is the destiny you meet,".

Her vision blurred, the impact of the blow robbing her of any opportunity to wield her magic.

"To think you could have served me instead. Had you shown loyalty to me, you would have lived," he uttered, his words carrying a trace of vulnerability. Yet, given her current plight, she could not decipher their true meaning.

Before she succumbed to unconsciousness, he pressed one final kiss upon her lips, her lifeless body falling to the floor, her heart held within the grasp of his hands.


She found him within his art studio, where a blank canvas loomed before him while he absentmindedly toyed with the brushes clutched in his hand, seemingly unaware of her presence.

She cleared her throat gently, yet he remained immersed in his own thoughts,
Eventually, she reached out, resting her hand upon his shoulder, prompting him to turn his head.

"I am busy, Hayley."

"Busy staring at an empty page?," she remarked.

He sighed, finally facing her directly. "I prefer to be alone."

"Look,I understand that you are grieving, but-"

He interrupted her, his voice laced with anger. "No, you do not. You could never possibly comprehend the pain I endure."

he's hurt, she reasoned with herself, unwilling to lose her patience. "I believe I know the feeling of losing someone I love while being helplessly tied to a chair, forced to watch."

"Ah, come now love. We both know you never loved Jackson. In fact, I'd say you were even relieved when the one thing preventing you from running into my brother's arms ceased to exist," he taunted.

The sound of her palm striking his face reverberated through the room. She stood motionless, her breath catching as she observed the fading red mark left upon his cheek.

He laughed, knowing he had successfully struck a nerve.
"And here I was wondering when you would finally tire of trying to console the grieving bastard. It didn't take long, as expected."

"Go to hell," she spoke before swiftly departing from the room.

He believed it was for the best, all those who stood by his side fell like flies. And Hayley... she was precious, far too precious to allow any harm to befall her because of him.

Perhaps pushing her away was the safest course of action for her.

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