what lies beneath the shadows

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She opened her eyes to find herself inside Jackson's old room, the scent of coffee and what appears to be pancakes intrigued her and so she followed the smells to the kitchen.

"I've never seen you cook before", she said with a smile.

"Well I'm a jack of all trades", he handed her her plate and a coffee mug before taking the seat beside her

"How're you feeling?" He sounded genuine and maybe a little tired.


What he said last night about wishing he was enough for her lingered in the back of her head.

Mainly Because it's a shared sentiment

Every single time she's seen him tend to cami was hard to watch, and of course she loved her, Camille was a great friend
And losing her was a blow
But maybe, just maybe it was also a bit of a relief

He's been nothing but kind and understanding with his close therapist, a privilege she wished he'd share with her.

"I have to head back home,
Apparently all of our allies in the french quarter are croaking left and right"

"Any progress in finding the killer?"

He sighed, the entire world's troubles seem to be on his plate

"Frankly I haven't got a clue, it could be anyone really, although my money is on kol's little tramp seraphina", he says her name with utter bitterness, and something tells her there's more to the story than he's letting on

"Alright then I'll let you be and address the city's never ending problems, call me if you need anything".

He placed a gentle hand on her shoulder as to comfort her,

But perhaps his presence is all she needs.


After a minute of knocking on (hammering) the door, kol finally answered

Naked and reeking of booze and something else

The witch's perfume.

"For fuck's sake", the hybrid muttered under his breath before barging in.

"By all means Nik, please do come in"

He eyed the room, as if waiting for someone, her, to show up

"She left before dawn, you can now tell me why you bursted into my house uninvited"

He was ignored as Klaus  flopped on the couch, his face appear to be stoic

"Put on something decent first, your dangling cock is something I'd rather not see"

"Why are you here Nik"

His patience was running low, he doesn't give a rat's ass about his brother and old lover's feud

But Davina is on the line,

And the young Mikaelson will be Damned if he let his only golden ticket go

"Any ideas for what your sick whore has been doing ever since she got here kol?"

The latter smiles,

anyone who doesn't know him as well might say he's a tad bit nervous

"We're merely fuck buddies Nik, it's not like she's exactly confiding in me"


"I can check for you if you want, after all, no one knows her the way that I do". He feared coming in too strong with the offer,

But Anything to get Klaus off his back

The hybrid finally stood up to face him

"If by any chance I knew seraphina is behind this muddle and that you have been covering for her I'll make sure you suffer a fate so cruel you will beg me to kill you". He calmly threatened, noticing a shift in kol's demeanor

"Getting a bit paranoid are we?", He asked with a knowing grin. "Relax brother, seraphina stops by, we have some fun then she goes her way, and that's the extent of it"

Klaus flashed that familiar disturbing smile, " let's hope so, for your own sake".

with that last warning he left.


After trying Klaus's phone for about an hour Hayley decided it's time to go back home and face her demons head on instead of hiding in the bayou waiting for him to come back.

Although a part of her wishes she could stay huddled in here with him and hope forever

But it's a fool's dream so she dials Elijah's number instead

Things have been rough between them lately but maybe he knows something, anything new

Looking from the window, her eyes snapped to a rapid, shadowey figure

She hasn't been sleeping nor feeding properly lately so perhaps it's her mind playing tricks on her

Suddenly her phone buzzed,

"And it only took him about a million missed calls before he called back, lucky me!"

She could hear him laugh on the other line and it forces a smile on her tired face

"My worries prove to be warranted, kol is up to no good", he sounds absolutely burnt out, she concludes before she proceeds to ask

"What, did he confess to anything?"

"I've known him long enough, the little weasel is hiding something".he sighs
"How much of it is his usual shenanigans and how much is related to the mess we're currently facing however, is lost on me"

"But I'll have to keep an eye on him and his pain in the ass witch for awhile"

She found herself nodding, her eyes still fixed on the woods,

With a murderer who has a vendetta against the Mikaelsons on the loose she can't be too careful.

"Are you alright there?"
He asked,Disturbed by her silence

She finally snapped out of it , "yeah, I'm fine, it's just... I've forgotten how lonely it feels in here, especially at night".

She moved closer to the window, her eyes darting around the place

She can feel it in her guts, something's not right

"I can come by if you want, I'd love to find you drunk and naked again", he teased before she told him to shut it

So of course he did

She hung up the phone, blushing a little

No one knows his way around her heart the way that bastard does

She suddenly heard someone knocking on the door

And despite every bone in her body telling her to run she made the mistake of answering it

And naturally she was welcomed by the sight of a  bloodied masked figure

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2023 ⏰

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