An ordinary day?

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I still look back at all the memories I've made with the Dear Edwina cast. It's pretty sad to think it's over and we've all grown up. Most of our cast is still in touch, yet some moved away early on. Today we are all having a reunion at the park. Scott, the Vanderploonks, Annie, Kelli, Becky, and I, Edwina Spoonapple. I was going heading to my front lawn when I suddenly saw a familiar face. It's Scott's mom! She was one of those parents who'd only let their kids only eat vegetables, and made their kids have screen time limits.
"Hey Edwina!" Scott's mom yelled to me as I tried to hide.
"Hey Mrs Kunkle." I said back in embarrassment.
I then went back on my way to the garage to find a picnic blanket, but then Mrs Kunkle turned to me again. Yet this time with a puzzled look on her face. Her eyebrows seemed to have drooped and her excited look turned to a confused frown.
"Did you need something? " I asked out of curiosity.
"No it's just unusual without Scott around the house."
"What do you mean?" I asked while coming closer to the gate between our houses.
"Well Scott told me a few days ago he was going to a sleepover with the Vanderploonks across the street. Yet he never returned. I just assumed he stayed a bit longer. But he never ended up coming home, I'm just really confused right now." She said with a few tears streaming down her face.
Wait that is weird. Scott never texted since Sunday, and today's Friday.
"Edwina I even checked his location, it doesn't even say he's in Paw Paw!" She said bursting into tears.
"Wow this lady is a stalker. No wonder why he left..." I said to myself in my head.
I was in complete shock I had to call the Vanderploonks to ask them about this!

I rang their phone and Lars answered.
"hello? Lars speaking." He announced
"Hey Lars, I was wondering if you've seen Scott anywhere? He hasn't been home since Sunday and his mom said he went to your house for a sleepover, but he then never came back." I said to Lars.
"Nah I haven't seen him since Monday morning, he left around 10am I was the only one awake. Cordell and Billy were being lazy." He replied
"Did he say anything before he left?" I asked in shock.
" I'm not sure, but the night before the sleepover he said he was going to leave around 1pm the next day." He said as you can hear Cordell screaming in the background with Billy.
"Why are they screaming Lars?" I asked
"Ohhh yeah their freaking out too." He said. "Anyways I'll talk to you later bye." He said and ended the call.

* * * * *

After calling everyone else Scott knew, I got nothing helpful in return. I either got screams of terror, or voice boxes. I guess it was time to take matters into my own hands.

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