Lowest point

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I heard a rustle in the leaves behind me. I turned around, there was nothing except for footprints of us running with the dog. I turned back around and kept exploring off path. I hadn't gone too far I just went to suspicious looking areas. Like leave piles, under rocks, on tree branches. Anywhere that something can be caught of stuck on. I still remember the outfit he was wearing that day. That stupid plaid shirt and khaki shorts. He was always obsessed with them, I never knew why. But I might never be able to ask him why anymore. We have no clues, trails, or even leads. We are stuck. The officer started to make a huge circle around us with caution tape just in case.
"Everyone start looking everywhere inside the circle!" The officer announced.
By the time the caution tape was up, the Vanderploonks parents were there, and Scott's mom. I then ran to this wet looking patch of dirt and starting feeling it and pushing in it. It was soggy and squishy. It didn't rain for the past week though? You can clearly see a shovel was smacked into the dirt a few times. I decided to start poking at it with a stick, until it stopped going in the dirt any farther. I started getting my hands dirty and scooping dirt out like a dog digging for his bone. I found what I wasn't expecting at all. A dead opossum? Then the officer walked up to me.
"Did you find something?" He asked
"Just a dead opossum carcass" I replied with as he walked away.
But then I realized, I've seen this in a movie before! They hide something valuable deep and bury it in a bit, then they bury a dead carcass on top. I quickly started to dig but was also careful to not miss anything. All of a sudden I heard this awful stench. It smelt horrible. It smelt like octopus toast that Queen Aoolah Boolah would make! I went to the officer to let him know, he then proceeded to follow me. He took his shovel and started digging until he found a black tub. Out of all things a stupid black tub!

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