Is this the end?

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Once I revealed what I was digging up, I was stunned. It was Scott's mauled body it was slowly decaying. If you went close enough you could see the blue pigment in his lips slowly dissolving. I felt tears streaming down my cheeks. There was blood everywhere and on top the body was a letter with an xoxo heart sticker on top. All of a sudden in the woods I heard a rustle and a acorn fall on top a pile of leaves. I ran over to it and uncovered a gun? What was a gun doing here? The officer came over to follow me. He then connected 2 together and looked at me and asked "do you know what happened?" I turned back to him and put 2 and 2 together. He commit suicide? I then backed away from everyone crowding around the evidence. That was it of Scott? What, no! It can't be. All of a sudden all the memories came flooding back. When he sang that song about me, him going to Kalamazoo, him trying to impress me. It's just sad to know that the Dear Edwina Show is officially over... Once the police went through Scott's phone, it showed people hating him. And then I realized he did this to put him out of his own problems. That was the end of the Dear Edwina Show?

Dear Scott KunckleWhere stories live. Discover now