end of the story

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my very first answered to the name rob....he gave me a baby doll,my first heartbrake was evan who told me that relationships from distance don't work out.My worst breakup was with amir a gangbang not succesfull plan of his.Happily ever after does or doesn't exist atleast with my first loves brandon and dave.I am afraid the same things fire and theaves,drowning and death of my beloveds.My favourite food was the speenach pie of my father.And grandmother.And it is still.

My first record was drunk elves...I imagined a better life and not in prison.When i reach my goals and i meen all of them i will feel succesfull,i was quite popular but not exactely.My favourite subject was music mostly....but with awfull teachers and kids with awfull taste.When they cut my hair for lices in my primary school was a real embarassment.I diffine love like we are all the people pan,or peters nickname.I want kids i used to want four of them now i don't care i have lost count with all the kids i met.I believe that this quizzes of fbi are rediculus.I believe in Salvatoros dei the saviors ourselves.

I love going inside of churches mostly catholic,it's peacefull.

Τα επικίνδυνα

Είπε ο Μυρτίας (Σύρος σπουδαστήςστην Αλεξάνδρεια· επί βασιλείαςαυγούστου Κώνσταντος και αυγούστου Κωνσταντίου·εν μέρει εθνικός, κι εν μέρει χριστιανίζων)·5«Δυναμωμένος με θεωρία και μελέτη,εγώ τα πάθη μου δεν θα φοβούμαι σα δειλός.Το σώμα μου στες ηδονές θα δώσω,στες απολαύσεις τες ονειρεμένες,στες τολμηρότερες ερωτικές επιθυμίες,10στες λάγνες του αίματός μου ορμές, χωρίςκανέναν φόβο, γιατί όταν θέλω —και θα 'χω θέλησι, δυναμωμένοςως θα 'μαι με θεωρία και μελέτη —στες κρίσιμες στιγμές θα ξαναβρίσκω15το πνεύμα μου, σαν πριν, ασκητικό.»both i mean...i love you,family buisness with biological stuff the yasemi.To learn love and be loved in return.But i speak to much or not at all.I do voices....best voice i can do is the sittar player's with the sexy Shhhh.Probably i have been cheated multiple times but i have been a cheater for my firsts.Well skip the next question cause i can's know for sure i might be still....or broken with a bike.

Perfect first excperiance but was lesbian sex the first and i didn't count it like the other one....was better from my point of view.I infidelity  always AS a deal breaker, no matter what.bUT WE BOTH CAN BE TRUSTED I SAID.You are jelous of idioticaly idiot questions so i prefer me.

Tattoo is and will always be the first thing i notice...the meaning behind of it.But i can remember the eyes...your colours.I an a catfish okay?next question i said....I express anger like this.And i cry to be cerfull of my anger and i laugh to change my mental state.I talk my self down all the time i am trying not to is  that a good verbatim?


nothing....probably i was thinking about two risk takers.I have vision boards.Theatre my plays and my ideas would be an answer to all of your  unsolving problems.I want to go back home...to our chateau.And live there for a while.I would like to build one.Nerve is a fucking game...i won so i am just ab interviwer for a while of my lover....Jack we said,I ment rob.....Okay burn me i always put my candlstick in the middle.

Magic...i wished i said i do not have....Well speaking with....ROB....i can't become a billionaire i pick up clothes from the trush.step on shit if you  want money what can i do more to look like a person?US the thriller is a loving system.And i remember my twisted dreams all of them...this is not a test...this is a broadcast.I dream about you baby but i am scared of this pigs.Sniff cocaine from my body it's to late now to say sorryyyy.

We are confused....

okay i knew that you don't are very fond off my vocal abilities...but under water i do have a voice not from weed....next....well the licking off nutela is obviusly not sexy....Before you go...i want to say your name....but i already told to people...Moooorning lasts 24 hours sorry.I want sex on the beach get stucked and take us with the elevator so we will tell properly Zeus myth.

mooorning...Well it was with an ilussionist.i fake orgasm when i want to go to the toilet?I still haven't done sex with all the people off the earth.But i think of you all the time...I ve been in public doing sex it's fun till they find out.I mean the poem i dedicated to you....I have a string from 2019 (future?I want to dot dot dot and not RED.Yes real sex is what i want as i told you i am a virgin....?Touch me but not now it's too hot!well they caught me after all so...you go survive?But I am responsible for zombie attacks i am one of them....I believe you are the tooth fairy

And the Santa.I am a hybrid like all people but you don't know it yet...I have been to french airport so far....so you know....Me and Marius Worldick are the best couple i am not jocking.I don't have someone spessific in mind that could beat him in footloose.Thank you fake boyfriend Cedric....i obviously will do the thing with the water as the game goes.I don't know that either.I hate my life really often but i love it when i am not alone.Everything happens for a reason.Well....celin dion but zeta makripoulia....I have seen the lobster thank you probably a bird...to have one just for a while till i become extinct...you would be a sea bird so an actor....not i meant that you killed one once!Ghosts?Spooky but ofrienda is a grate illusion.What physical abilitie you want leave me alone interviwers and i will make it hapen....Illuminati...what the fusk do you want me to call the real police?Cirtenly i love Melie...Well i here rationalistas right now....I don't get easily surprised....My family it's predictable....I have been in love for real 3 times i get physical song playing now..In five years i have written so many letters to myself and they send me five years ago bot ahead.....I hate money so i am an awfull keeper.There is not a harmless lie....everything has a cost.Can i go back now?The athens prison it's a grate journey that i hate.I want to taake you to the lake of norway....see the beauty....Cold because it's easy to woem yourself is my preference.Health above all?Do you ffear death?

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