Ella Ella Cinderella

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 -We're here

The manor loomed proudly behind creaky iron gates,many pumpkins were grown at the garden. At its threshold stood the delicate marble fountain, the soft gurgling of the clear water melodic as it resonated in the surrounding silence.

-Come...meet your sister 

said our father to be,all of this were strange to me and my sister....The palace of our dreams was on this manor and we were going to live there.

-Ella come down please

-What is it papa? You brought me another gift from your trip?

She couldn't imagine that he brought her something even bigger

-Even better...Ella this is your new mother,and your two sisters

-How wonderful father,I am sure we are going to get so well

I Liked Ella at first . She was kind and clever, perhaps that's what drew people to her. It was as if she knew she was born to be a queen of the earth, one who helped others, using her brain to fix whatever needed fixing. There was nothing "princess" about her though,She was a young average pretty girl. I liked her, we all did.

We were kind of equals at the beginning,obviously the lord wanted to make a good impression as a father. He gave me and Drizella separate rooms, we started classes,piano,singing,horse riding,things that we never did before.Off course Ella was better in every kind of way.Our mother used her as an example to everything really.

I am sure You've heard my mother was mean to her,well,no,not really,my mother loved Cinderella she was the perfect example for her daughters or at least she thought she was.

When my mother and Ella's father got married,they left for their honeymoon to another kingdom.So me,my sister and Ella were left alone under the care of her godmother lady Verna. 

-Hey I wanna saw you something...But it's a secret
said Cinderella ,we were curious of what she wanted to saw us so badly

-Here it is...My secret spot

-That's the attic
said Drizella, we both used to live in the attic of the floophouse so it wasn't a big deal!
But this place it was so dusty,it looked like nobody had been there for years,and for sure this place hadn't been clean for a long long time

-Exactly...Here nobody is going to find us

-We should get downstairs,Verna will be worried.
Said Drizella,that she was always afraid of getting in trouble

-Verna does whatever I please,she is my fairy godmother

-Do fairy's even exist?
I said without a single doubt.

-Well off course
Ella said
-come...I'll saw you something

She opened the chest,the only item inside the attic,and she put outside a book with fairytales.

-My mother used to read me all this about wishes come true and fairy's...

Drizella loved that kind of stories

-You know there is a fairy godmother for each one of us an they come to us in the moments of need?

I knew that wasn't true,I had so many moments of need...On the contrary she had none of them,
My mother had suffered enough ,my sister and I too,no fairy showed up till then.

-You don't need a fairy godmother you have everything!

- No I don't...

Brick by brick, her walls came tumbling down. She left with tears in her eyes.  She just broke down.

- What did I say? I asked Verna after wards

- Nothing sweetheart,the thing is Ella might have everything,but she doesn't have her mother who she loved dearly.

I was wondering what was worst, loosing someone that you love so much,or having a father that treats you like shit and than gets murdered.

-What happened...?To Ella's mother I mean

- Anastasia...I am not supposed to talk about that!

- about what?

-Okey I'll tell you if you promise not to tell anyone

Verna was clearly into gossip

- I sware to god

Well...I am telling you now but,I've learned not to believe in god years ago!

- Well...how to begin...

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