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Verna cleared her throat

-Insanity was her curse, . The strange thoughts that sunk her into new realities . A true delusion is a fixed false belief that gains traction, The "delusions" are no more than daydreams with extra kick.
She started talking to rats,she believed that every animal responded back,
That's the reason the plague got her.
Isabel would sit staring the fireplace for hours. Her face sunken and haunted, her mind cold and empty. The more the years went on, the more the village seemed to become like her. Many were snatched away, and those that were left would wish it was them. The world had gone cold, because of the plague that was death, and war.

-And...What happened?
That was a sad story for a young girl for sure,but I had lived enough already to know far to early what pain feels like.

-Charles send the finest doctors of the kingdom for her,he loved her so much besides her madness.
“At this time, I’m sorry to say, there is nothing more we can do”
Death in those black days was neither kind nor quick. The virus has a steady progression, a gruesome countdown to the demise of the inflicted.
And one day her soul flew away with god"

Verna had a really nice way to explain things but my mother tought me that
Death, is straightforward. It is not a gate to immortality but simply, a departure from life. 
Sometimes me myself can't believe how cruel my mother raised me and my sister...But seeing everything that's going on these days,it seems to me like she was doing us a favour.

- Were is she now?

- Ella's mother?
Verna seemed confused

- No...Ella....

- She is probably in her room near the fire my dear, she goes there every time when she is upset

I went to apologize her

-Ella I am sorry...I didn't mean to offend you"

I yelled outside her room...
I heard wishpers from the other side of the door, probably she wouldn't have heard me.

I put my ear closer to the door

-They won't get me Jaq,there are never going to be my sisters,how could papa do this to me?

If i was a sensitive person like my sister I could have said that this broke my heart, but on the contrary I could relate with Ella's disappointment!I would prefer a thousand times to live in a floophouse with rob than in a mansion with her.

The only thing that I was thinking at the moment was:
"Who is the strange person inside?"

I looked at the keyhole to see if someone was in there,but my eyesight was limited,the only thing I could see was the fireplace

-Ella I can hear you
I came to the conclusion that it would be better if I spoke.
She opened the door slowly

-Who's in there?
I asked

- Noone

- That's not true I heard you talking to someone

- I was praying Anastasia

- I heard a name!

- It must been your imagination...

- Oh yeah?And for what you were praying for?

- For you and your sister, I want you to be healthy and well,and safe from any harm...

Well that was a twist for sure!

- Oh yeah?And why did you left so sudden?

- I felt the need to speak with the lord!

Ella believed in fairytales Indeed, Fairy godmothers, wishes that comes true,and offcourse she believed in god.
All lies...Arrest me if you want for telling the truth!
That wasn't the only time Ella lied...In fact she lies all the time...
What makes you think that still the story she made up is true?

When my mother and Ella's father returned,i told my mother about Ella's behaviour the past few days.

-Honesty can hurt, my love, remember that...I'll tell you something useful...
It's okay to be a human with a monster mask if that's what you need to survive. It tells me that you're still under there, the perfect child you always were. The problem in this world is the one's who sold their souls to become monsters with human masks, with smiles to mimic the warm hearted. Perhaps one day we will forge a world safe enough for us all to be humans with human faces, to be feel at one with who we really are, with our true natures, and with nature herself.

I understand now 10 years after ...
My mothers philosophy...You better understand aswell.

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