Peterborough Encounters

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Peterborough Encounters

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Peterborough Encounters

It was in the province of Peterborough where encounters happened with some sparks. Encounters with someone that unexpectedly gives butterflies through simple gestures. And encounters that make the sky lit up like with fireworks—or just make the night lit up with fireflies by their stares.

Encounters that were normally plain but now became feathery and glittery. Enough to assume that their gestures aren't just chivalry. Enough to wish for something unending but hopes for it to be not so bothersome.

If encounters bothers you, what do you do?

Peterborough Encounters is a collaboration series of novelettes written by the members of Underrated Legacy. A collection of light stories that will help you escape the bittersweet reality for a while and make you feel an explosion of feelings through every chapter of each story. 

"Sparks In Our Fingertips"
by arannlc

"Eyes Giving Butterflies"
by daybiasca

"Glittering Gazes"
by mkhnivcent

"Feather's Gentle Kiss"
by ladybunnyyyy

"Twinkling Fireflies"
by arannlc

"Fleeting Signs"
by InosentElsie

"Midnight Flower's Wish"
by him4wari

"Gestures With Fireworks"

by daybiasca

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