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"Fuck", Eros massaged his temples, tired of the work he did today which only went down the drain by the end of the day. Like every other day that passed this week. The Cupids who were busy with their own work in the room noticed their Dad's irritation but didn't comment on it.

It didn't take long for the God of Love to stomp his way out to the balcony of their workroom. His eyes took in the beautiful evening sky before he looked down to get a view of the lands and ocean of Earth. Viewing the busy cities of South Korea. He came to the country a few days ago when he got a report that a human who was destined to fall in love didn't have his soulmate.

For a moment he felt that the Book of Soulmates was showing a false person because he couldn't see the man's soulmate beside him. Generally, when a person is destined to fall in love appears in the book, even his soulmate comes into view beside them, that's when his sons and daughters, the Cupids make them fall in love. But the book was showing only one person. Gosh, it was giving him a headache. What was he supposed to make the human fall for? Thin air?

He tried various friends of the human but no one was even able to budge that stone heart of the human. Looking back at the setting sun, he hummed, weighing his options on how to deal with the situation. One, he could leave the mission incomplete, but that'll only leave the world's love system to flip and heart breaks everywhere. One failure can cause chaos in human hearts. The other, sending one of his Cupid down to Earth to find what the fuck was the male's problem.

The second was the safest and probably the better one. His Cupid could work from near can raise the chance of success. Inhaling sharply, Eros leaned against the railing as he looked inside, trying to find the best one for the job. And he didn't have to think hard because there stood Taehyung, waving his index finger into his own open portal making the people on the side make affectionate moves.

"Taehyung", it made the boy look up startled, looking around before his eyes landed on his Dad who was looking at him. Gulping nervously, he came and stood in front of God Eros. "You do know about the new category registered in the Book of Soulmates, right?" Taehyung nodded, how could he not when it was the only thing everyone seemed to talk about now. "You see, I have tried everything in my power to search for his soulmate but we can only make people fall in love, son. Not the writing of fate of whom they fall for".

"The Destiny decides the lovers, we make them fall in love", Taehyung chanted as if it was rehearsed and it is.

"Good. And as I was saying, the human doesn't have a soulmate yet but we have to find them unlike our usual work", the boy nodded, progressing every bit. "So, I wanted to send one of my Cupids to Earth, to stay by his side and look for his soulmate", Eros smiled softly when he literally saw the wheels turning in Taehyung's brain before his eyes widen.

"M-Me?" Taehyung shrieked making Eros chuckle.

"You're one of the best I have here, Tae. And I know you've wanted to visit Earth ever since you were a baby", the young boy blushed, knowing years back he was too close with his father as he shared everything he wanted. Before work got them both busy to have some family time.

"If you think I can do it, then I will Dad!" Taehyung cheered making Eros smile wide. "Is there anything I need to know about this mission Dad?"

"Yeah, for starters no one should know about your legacy. Well, except for the human who needs you. I think it'll help him to abide by your requests without protest", Eros shrugged. "Find the human's soulmate, make them fall in love, keep a low profile! That's it. To make your job easier, stay at the human's house, threaten him if he wouldn't let you". Eros didn't have to worry too much about Taehyung fitting in because he knows about the living style through the little love missions he does.

I've Fallen for YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora