Chapter 31

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Celeste's POV
I called Sam back. I managed to come up with some lie about accidentally answering and that I had a little cold, which explained the "weird" sounds he had heard. It didn't make any sense, but he still believed it, and that was all that mattered.

He told me he'd signed the papers right before apologizing for how poorly he'd treated me in our marriage. And that he was sorry I had to find out about his affair and secret family.

"Mhm," was all I said before hanging up. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. I didn't want to talk about how quickly my life had turned upside down. And how a part of me was kind of glad it did.

I bent down to pull my suitcase out from under my bed. I've overstayed my welcome. I'm not going to ask for anything from Sam other than joint-custody of our daughter, which means I need to start looking for a job.

I need to be able to care for myself. I can't keep relying on the men in my life to take care of me.

"Are you going somewhere?"

I sighed when I heard Rade behind me. I glanced back at him. He was leaned against the door frame, watching me pack.

"I'm staying with Andi."

"I don't understand why you're leaving."

I stood up, shifting over to the dresser to grab my clothes and put them in my suitcase. "I need a job. I need money. And I can't do that here with you. You're a... distraction."

A sexy, amazing distraction with a tongue from the Greek gods.

"If you want to get a job, fine. But there's no reason for you to leave."

"I don't have anything, Rade. I'm twenty-five years old, and I don't even own a car." The Rolls Royce we've been driving in will be given back to Sam. The vehicle was purchased in his name. Not mine. "I don't even know if I remember how to drive."

"You can use one of my cars. I'll teach you."

I shook my head. "No. I don't want my daughter thinking it's okay to depend on a man."

I zipped up my suitcase and eyed all the boxes I left unpacked. I'm going to have to have those put in storage. There wasn't anything in there I could use at the moment.

I stood back up, realizing Rade hadn't disappeared and that he was just being his quiet, introverted self.

"You're not leaving," he said after a moment. Then he pulled out his phone and called someone. "I need you to transfer the money. Yes, that one." Then he hung up.

Confused, I felt the sudden ping of my phone. And when I checked to see what it was about, I saw that money had been transferred into my bank account. My eyes widened. There were a lot of zeroes. I looked up at him.

How did he even get ahold of my bank account?

"Before you say anything, it's not a gift or a loan. That's all the money Sam paid me as your Chauffeur. I never spent a dime. It's yours, and it's what you're owed."

I think I was crying. I reached up to touch my wet face. Yup, those are definitely tears. I was shocked. I had no idea he was doing this for me.

My soft sobs turned into a laugh. "Had I known Chauffeurs were making this much, I would have applied myself."

Rade tilted his head. "You have money now. Which means you can continue to stay here. You and Everly."

"Rade, I can't."

"You can," he stated firmly. "You can work as much as you want. Do whatever you want. I don't need you to cook or clean for me. I just need you here."

A grin reached my lips. "You need me?"

He sighed, catching on to my teasing tone. He was so sure I'd need him. which, at times, I do. But he didn't think he'd ever need me. And now look at him.

"Calling you isn't going to be enough, mikrí fotiá(little fire). Especially after finally tasting you. I'll be damned if I let you out of my sight."

"You want me to move in?" I questioned, realizing where this was going.

He nodded. "Pay rent. Don't pay rent. I don't really give a fuck. Just stay."

"Are you sure about this?"

There's still so much neither one of us knows about each other. He might not admit it, but we've definitely gotten close enough to be considered friends.

I've been staying at his house for a couple of days now. And he just had his head between my thighs. So we're way past the strangers phase.

But I still have a daughter to think about. I don't want her to get confused. "This," I pointed between us, "whatever this is- Everly can't know about it."

Thankfully, my daughter loves Rade. She loves bothering him just as much as I do, only he tolerates it more from her. They have a special bond. She still can't visit Harvey right now. So I'm glad she has Rade. At least.

Andi's offer will always be an option. And maybe I'm stupid as hell for not taking it as soon as I found out about Sam's affair, but there's something about my Chauffeur that makes it difficult to spend a single moment without him. He makes me happy. Makes me forget about the craziness in my life. I can be myself. No matter how annoying it is to him.

"Before I accept your offer to officially move in, we need to get a few things straight. I will be paying rent. We are roommates now. And as soon as I can afford it, I'm getting my own place."

"Whatever you want. As long as I can still touch you."

My insides did a flip. "No one can know.  Except Andi because there's no keeping secrets from her."

"Whatever you want," he said again. He was determined to keep me here. And I kind of liked it. "Though I do have one request."

My brows rose.

"That you let me take you out on a date."

"A date?" I questioned in surprise.

He nodded.

I haven't been on a date in so long. Do I even remember how to date? God, it's been so long.

"Okay," I agreed. "One date."

"Three," he negotiated.

"Two," I negotiated back. I'm not sure why I was negotiating. I wasn't even sure I was ready for one. I'm not looking for a relationship right now. I'm in the process of getting out of one.

"Three," he repeated.

"One for now. And once the divorce is settled, then I'll consider another."

That seemed fair. I need to get this divorce out of the way first. And Rade wants to take things slow. It's perfect.

"Then we'll wait until after the divorce to have sex."

"What? That's not a part of the agreement." My face turned red when I realized how quickly I had blurted out my disapproval.

"You won't be able to give yourself fully to me until you're no longer legally tied to him."

I didn't want to agree, but it made sense. I've been with Sam my whole life. Having sex with another man? The thought never even crossed my mind until Rade. He might be right about me not being able to give myself fully. Even if I want to.

I must have had a disappointed expression on my face because Rade said, "I'll still eat your pussy whenever you want, baby."

I backed into the bed and sat down on the edge. "Even right now?" I asked in a seductive manner, spreading my legs and leaning back onto my elbows.

He smirked, slowly stalking towards me. "Even right now."

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