Stopping The Fight

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John B POV:

Long story short, I'm now at Chapel Hill with Sarah Cameron, and..she's not as bad as I had thought. "What about this store? Let's go shopping here." Sarah said, dragging me back to the rich ass store.

"Absolutely not," I said, trying to walk past it.

"Woah, Sancho. I think we've arrived." A bell above the door dinged as she pulled me through.

"Sarah, I don't think you understand. This is like an organ with the wrong blood type. It doesn't work." I whispered to her.

"You are the single most dramatic person I've ever met." She said walking towards a shelf covered in clothes.

"No, I'm not."

"What about cashmere?" She asked holding the shirt up to me.

"Oh my god. Have you seen this shirt?" I asked, holding it up just so she could see what it looked like.

"Yeah." She nodded casually.

"It's one hundred ninety dollars!" I held the price tag in front of her face.

"Yeah, don't worry. I'll sugar momma you." She patted my shoulder.

"Sugar momma?" I asked her, the hell does that mean?

"What about some glasses?" She asked placing a random pair on my face.

"You don't understand. I don't want anything from here."

"Can I help you?" The clerk asked, now next to us.


Willow POV:

I woke up to someone nudging my shoulder, "How are you always sleeping? Get up, I gotta go real quick." JJ whispered. I sighed too tired to really care so I just let myself fall to the ground.

"Ow..." I mumbled.

"Yeah, usually hitting the ground like that hurts." Pope laughed at me.

"Hey, where yall going?" Kie asked as I pulled myself up into the chair JJ was sitting in seconds ago.

"We gotta wring it out." JJ shrugged before leading Pope away.

"What are you gonna hold it for each other?" I asked, making the both of us laugh.

"How are you liking it with the Pogues?" Kie asked me, turning in her spot so she could face me.

"It's fun, I mean chaotic but it's better than being anywhere else." I shrugged, now looking at her.

"And... you and JJ? You guys seem close." She wiggled her eyebrows, smirking at me.

"What? We hate each other- not hate but- wait what do you mean by that? There's nothing going on- we're friends." I insisted, and she chuckled at my reaction.

"Right. We hate each other, we're just friends." She mimicked me.

"Okay, Kie what about-" She turned around quickly, and I did the same to see what she was looking at. "Where are they?"

"Shit! Shit!" She said grabbing JJ's bag and running to the other side of the screen where we had seen Pope and JJ go, I wasn't far behind. We heard grunting as we turned the corner seeing Topper and Pope fighting and Kelce and Rafe ganging up on JJ.

"JJ!" I yelled running over and grabbing Rafe's hand mid-swing.

"This seems familiar." He said through clenched teeth.

"Screw you!" I yelled in his face.

"Let go of me!" Rafe yelled, turning around quickly, and punching me directly in the nose.

"Ah!" I yelled cupping my face, not my finest moment might I add.

"Willow!" JJ yelled as I stumbled backward.

"I'm good! Just give me.. like a second to process shit." I wiped the blood onto my shorts and waited a few seconds to re-focus my vision. I kicked Kelce in the back of the knee making him lose his balance, he and JJ fell down. I ran over quickly grabbing JJ's hand, pulling him up to his feet.

"You look like hell." He said as he wiped the blood off his face.

"You look like shit. I'm alright, thanks for asking." I laughed.

"Topper! Let go of him, you fascist asshole!" Kie yelled as she hit him with JJ's backpack.

I saw Rafe grab Kie and throw her to the ground, I ran over only to get forcefully stopped as someone put me in a chokehold. I gasped, my hands instantly wrapped around their arm, trying to pry it off. 

"What now?" Topper asked as I tried to get away from him. Rafe and Kelce did the exact same thing to Pope and JJ, I saw Kie run to the screen, a small flicker of light sparking through her cupped hands.

"You.. idiot.." I panted the words just as the screen flashed orange, bursting into flames.

"Kelce! Let go of JJ!" Kie yelled.

"Let's get outta here," Rafe said the three of them running away. I dropped to the ground as I inhaled, finally getting to breathe.

"Covey? Willow, you good?" JJ asked as he staggered over. I raised an exhausted thumbs up, dropping my hand back to my side as I lay on my back.

"Yeah. Are you? Oh, no, yup I wasn't lying. You look terrible." I joked trying to laugh only to hiss in pain.

"You and Kie are idiots," JJ said, pulling me up.

"That is not how you say thank you." I huffed as I wiped blood off of my face.

"We saved your asses," Kie said as she slung Pope's arm over her shoulder. "Come on."

"My dad is not home, he's got some work shit, we could patch each other up?" I asked JJ as we walked alone.

"Us? Alone? In your house? You're not scared we're gonna kill each other?" He asked.

"I will promise to try not to kill you... tonight." I crossed an X over my heart, "Cross my heart."

"Oh, well in that case, why the hell not." He laughed as we walked to my house.


We didn't wait around in the house, we instantly went to my room, and since he had the most cuts I got to clean them first. He sat on the edge of the sink, whilst I stood between his legs. 

"Stop moving! I will put peroxide in your eyes."

"Remember your promise?" He asked me, clearly trying to get me to stop.

"Yes, I remember my promise. That wouldn't kill you. Alright, all done." I said, setting the washcloth down

"My turn." He grabbed another washcloth soaking it in water before cleaning the dried blood off my face. "How's your nose?" He asked, tilting my head so he could look at it, "If he broke it, I'll kill each of them myself."

"Don't worry, I'm fine," I said hopping off the counter grabbing both rags and rinsing them off before throwing them into the dirty laundry. We both sat on my bed, the light dimmed. "Kie thinks there's something going on between us." I blurted out.

"Was she wrong?" He asked, looking at me.

"Uh- well- n- yes- no? I don't know. Too many things have happened tonight, let's just sleep." I said crawling to the other side of the bed.

"Are we sleeping together now too? Damn, Covey." He smiled at me.

"Just.. go to bed," I said, a small laugh escaping me as he lay down opposite of me.

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